Sadie Sink Imagine

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Sadie sink Imagine
You and Sadie are in her garden because She Is tryng to teach you how to skate.

She is really good at skating, she had to learn to play the role of Max Mayfield in Stranger Things, and now, she wants you to learn too.

"I don't know if i can do this" You said, still quite insecure

"C'mon, what could go wrong?"

"Uhm, i can fall and hurt myself?" You say annoyed

"That's not gonna happen, i'm not gonna let that happen, alright?" Sadie tries to calm you down

"Ok" You finally agree "Let's do this"
She smiles and you get on the board.
As soon as you put your feet on the skate she puts her hands on your waists, and you put yours on her shoulders, so you won't fall.

"So, you just have to put your foot down and push, then put it back on the board and when you want, push again"

You nod and slowly start pushing your feet to the ground and you slowly gain speed.

"You got this, now i'm gonna remove my hands and you're gonna stand on your own, ok? Sadie says, while following you

"Okay" She slowly removes her hands from your waists, as you do the same with yours, that were gripping on her shoulders

You gain even more speed, you can feel the fresh hair on your face, making your hair fly behind your head.

When you reach the end of the garden you put your foot to the floor again, this time, to stop the skateboard.

"Yoo-hoo!!! You did it!" You hear Sadie cheer from the other side of the garden, while she runs to reach you
You turn around and see her coming with her arms open to hug you
You copy the movement as you two crush togheter, almost falling to the floor. She hugs you and then you kiss her

"I told you i can do It" You smile

"Actually i remember yo-" you cut her off by placing another small kiss on her lips.

"I wanna do It again!" You say out of excitement

"Alright my lady" You smile at the name as she takes the board from the ground and handles It to you

"I got this, i got this"

"You got this"

You put your feet on the board and start pushing

You reach a pretty impressive speed, until you hear someone yell
"Y/N!!! There's a rock on the ground!!" Sadie tries, but It was too late, one of the board's front wheel hit the small rock on the ground she's been warning you about, you go flying trough the air, as you were about to collide with the floor you put your hands forward to prevent smashing your face on the floor, accidentally putting the left one a bit more ahed.
As you impact with the ground you hear a crack on your left wrist.

"Oh my God y/n are you okay?" Sadie asks as she kneels beside you putting a hand on your shoulder

"C'mon, let's get you cleanep up, alright?"

She stands up and puts and hand out for you to grab It, You hand her you left hand, not paying attention to the pain on your wrist, but instead concerned about the small cuts on your knees.

Sadie starts to pull you up but you stop her
"Stop!" You yell in pain

As soon as she drops you hand, you softly put your other hand on your wrist to hold It, careful not to hurt It more

"What's wrong? She asks whit a worried look on her face while she kneels again on the ground near you

"It hurts like a bitch" You say, while scrunching your face from the pain

"Oh God" She says while trying to figure what to do

"Okay" She takes her sweather off and starts tying the sleeves togheter
"This Is gonna hurt a bit but Is gonna help keeping It still while we figure out what to do"

"Okay" You whisper while she puts her sweather around tour neck, and then your arm in.

You groan in pain, so she places a small kiss on your cheek, before helping you up by putting her arms around your waists

Despite the situation you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach to the touch of your beautuful girlfriend.

She leads you in her house, arm still around your waist, and slowly put you on the couch while She rushes to kitchen to take a bag of ice

She comes back after a minute with the bag, and she sits beside you

"This may help" She says as you start to remove her sweather from around your neck. She sees that you can't remove It using only a hand so she helps.

"Here, let me..." She says as she unties the knot

"Thanks" You smile. As soon as she removes the sweather she sees the large bruise that covered your wrist
She holds the bag on It while you suffer in pain, and she notices


"Honestly, no"

"Maybe you need some of my magic" she smiles as she slowly put your wrist under her mouth and places a soft kiss on It

"Better now?"

"Yeah, a bit better" You smile again, God how can She make you smile even in these situations?

"Well... Then i have to..." She starts to place small kisses all over your injured wrist as you smile, then she turns to you as a sign to say something

"I think my lips hurt too, do you mind using some of your magic?" You both chuckle, and lean closer, she wraps her arms around your neck, and you wrap your right arm around her waist.

As you two get closer and closer your lips touch.

After enough time you disconnect and smile.



"You know i love you right?" You say
She smiles and answer

"Yeah" She stops "And i love you too y/n" She smiles and you two get back to kissing


1015 words

a/n: I worked really hard on this so i hope y'all like It. Let me know what do you think

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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