chapter 2 : grease lighting

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I love grease ♥️

Finney : GUYS

Robin : what's wrong , did someone hurt you , is it that ginger fuck and his friends again I swear to god if it is

Finney : ROBIN IM FINE 😨 just grease came out into the cinema and I was wondering if you guys wanna see it because I've been wanting to watch it for ages

Robin : thank god , yeah sure I can make it what date

Finney : tonight at like 7

Griffin : that's ‼️ past 🕑 my 🤸‍♂️ bedtime 🛌

Finney : theirs a screening for 5 is that okay Griffin ??

Griffin : yeah 😁

Billy : I can go . See @vance this is why the groupchat was created :)

Vance : whatever dogless

Bruce : I can go

Vance : ill guess I'll go too

Finney : great :)

Bruce : oh ! We should all have sleepover in mine afterwards :D

Billy : that's a great idea >:)

Finney : okay it's settle then we will meet at the theatres at like 4:50 and then stay the night at Bruce's

*after the cinema*

"Okay we need to work out sleeping arrangements," Bruce said . "Okay Griffin , you and Billy can have the bed, since your the youngest out of us all," Bruce said now ordering everyone around "me and vance will share the pull up bed, and Robin and Finney u guys can have the sleeping bags ," Bruce declared with a smirk on his face. Griffin let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes "I'm going to bed , " he said exhausted. "Imma head off too then," Billy said , not" wanting to wake up Griffin later. Well I guess we should all get some rest," Finney said leading Robin to the sleeping bags . "Vance come help with the pull bed then," Bruce turned to the curly blonde haired boy. He didn't say anything just grunted in response.

20 minutes later

Vance opened his phone to 3 new messages

Billy : Griffin moves about to much in his sleep. Mf just kicked my rib cage 😕

Robin : L bozo

Billy : I can hear Finney snores from here my lord.

Vance : same Robin turn him onto his side or something 🙄

Robin : I'm not moving him , he's not even that loud 😐

Vance : of course you would say that 🥱

Bruce : what's that suppose to mean

Vance turned over to his side. He was now facing Bruce, who was looking at vance, with confusion plastered over his  face. 

Ding !!

Robin : nothing Brucey wucey don't worry about it 😗

Bruce : call me that again and I'll kill you

Vance : why was that kinda hot 😬

Vance looked up at Bruce. His face was frozen and bright red. Vance smirked at that , he loved making Bruce flustered.

Vance : jokes 🥱

Bruce : you don't think I'm hot 😯

Robin : ew stop flirting , Billy u seeing this shit

Billy : trying not too

Bruce : go to bed it's past ur bed time

Billy : stfu

Bruce : no

Robin : yall Finney is talking in his sleep 💀

Vance : what's he saying

Robin : something , something go something lightning

Vance : well that answers my question thanks so much


Bruce : idc what you all say that movie was amazing

Vance : I guess it was alright


vance : whatever I'm going to bed

Vance switched his phone off and put on charge. He turned to the wall away from Bruce and began to drift to sleep. "Vance," Bruce whisper into his ear , before he had the chance to fall asleep completely "yeah," he mumbled , half asleep , half awake. "I know this may sound weird , but uhm can I hug you," he asked . Vance froze was the dream , it had to be "are you serious ," he thought out loud. "Sorry that was probably stupid , sorry for waking you," Bruce shyed away and turned around to face the wall. God was vance gonna regret this. He pulled his hands over Bruce and gently shoved him closer to him. He wrapped his arms, and joined them together, around Bruce and settled his head into Bruce's back. Neither of them said anything but a silent whisper from Bruce "thank you vance."

Brance my beloved 💕

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