Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV: Lightbulb slowly turned to Fan in some sort of creepy way, (on purpose). Fan looked up his phone, confused,

"Uh, why is she staring very weirdly at me?" [Fan]
"She's wondering if you could talk to Paintbrush about some of the people here. Probably like some hobbies, personality, and just general things they'd do." [Test Tube]

"OH! Finally, someone who actually wants to listen to me!" [Fan]

Fan quickly stood up and sat next to Paintbrush awkwardly.

"So, who-or-what do you wanna know about?" [Fan]
"I wanna know if there's any bullies, or particularly any mean people." [Paintbrush]

"Alright, we have a few. (he pointed to a group.) Trophy, Knife, and Nickel. Don't know if Baseball counts, Baseball usually just stays with Nickel for most of the time. They both usually pick at Balloon and Suitcase, based on what happened back then, but that's a whole different story." [Fan]

"Knife is able to beat someone up whenever it's needed. He also has this Dora doll that everyone knows about, but it's really not that interesting anymore. He's more social that the other bullies. He mostly likes to talk with Microphone though. He claims to be a jerk, unlike Trophy, he's a jock. But either way, both are definitely strong. Trophy would beat anyone who gets in his way. He won't stop until his victim is beaten. He likes starting fights for stupid reasons, trust me, I would know.-" [Fan]

"Jeez, you just dumped this whole information onto me- even the stuff I didn't want to know.. But, what if I accidentally bumped into one of 'the bullies' before?" [Paintbrush]

"Which one exactly?" [Fan]

"Trophy..." [Paintbrush]

"Oh god, he might beat you up later." [Fan]

"Wow, what great info." (sarcastically) [Test Tube]

"Wait what- really?! But I just got onto this
school!" [Paintbrush]

The bell rang,

"Well, good luck." [Fan]

Fan's POV: I just hope Paintbrush will be fine tomorrow. There's a big chance they'll get beaten up after school or at least look injured. Speaking of Paintbrush, I'll need more information on them. Maybe I'll be able to do it after school? -If I have the time at least. I head towards Technology. I always had this thought, but I wanna be a like Test Tube, inventing new stuff for the future, or just for fun. Sure, I wasn't as smart as Test Tube but, I am very observant! I think that's something to be proud of.. My blog might be throwing me back a bit, but it's not that big of a deal. Test Tube has always comforted me and I look up to her. When we grow up, I wanna make something special for her! Although, for now, I need to focus on the present.

Test Tube's POV: I wonder how Fan knew so much about the bullies. He kinda sounds like a documentary whenever talking about someone. He probably has a lot of notes about everyone here- or he just knows everyone, (which I doubt that). I was walking towards Science, my favorite class. I hate how people call me a 'nerd', I prefer if they would call me a scientist. Now, about the new student, I have no idea how they would turn out this year. I haven't really seen much about their personality. I do hope they won't  become one of those bullies. My mind was filled with questions about them. I wasn't really focused this class since all I've been thinking about is them- not in a romantic way. Although, Science is pretty easy for me, it does get boring if you had already studied about science when you were young. My mind snapped in to place cause the teacher noticed how some of the students were falling asleep during class and he slammed the table with his fist. He told us that we had a new experiment coming soon, and we'll have to study in order to get it done quicker. Now I have something to do instead of just thinking the whole time, I'll be able to finish this easily at home. The bell rang, I gathered my supplies and packed my stuff up, to go home.


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