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Eventually, it was just the lights on the ceiling keeping things illuminated. Rain slammed against the windows, with the honking of cars breaking the short-lived bursts of serenity. Julia sat on the couch, still quite perky waiting for her wandering bee. Selena, selena, selena. Her name continued to ring through Julia's head. There was so much to say, perhaps a bit too much. Maybe it's better left unsaid, to not scare her away again.

The click of front door seemed so much louder than usual. Even within all the noise, the lock being undone was all that registered.

Within the doorway, under a giant folding umbrella, stood Selena. Her sliky black hair waved in the slight winds. Raindrops adorned her chest and head like diamonds, highlighting the ever so famous bee tattoo right below her neck. Before either of them could even say a word, Julia ran head first into Selena. Giving the tightest embrace she could have.

"I missed you too birdie, really, but I also miss oxygen so please" Selena whispered.

Julia immediately backed off, but pulled Selena into the apartment with haste. There were many questions to be asked, but only one came to the forefront.

"Where did you go... it's really hard staying here by myself you know? Julia said.

Before a word could leave Selena's lips, the sight of someone elses clothes sunk into Julia's mind. Those weren't her clothes.

"You, you stayed at Claire's?" Julia stammered. "Claire's? You're kidding me-"

"It was only for today, she wasn't even home Jules, I just needed to-"

"Needed to what?! I thought you said you stopped being friends with her."

Selena's brows furrowed, her posture becoming razor straight. "No, I said she's my best friend, so I wouldn't abandon her."

"So you'd choose to spend time with her over me?"

Thunder boomed in the sky. "No of course not, but you... why are you being like this Jules, you know it's not like what you're thinking."

In her heart, Julia knew she was telling the truth. It didn't matter though. It was too late for a peaceful interaction now, the floodgates had been broken. All the pain and frustration she held due to Selena started pouring out — and there was no stopping it. Tears and rage were starting to leak out.

"Do you still love me Sel?" she sobbed.

Selena came in for a hug, but Was pushed away. "Of course I do, you know I do."

"I don't think I know anymore. It's always the same old thing Selena and I can't deal with this."

"You're here one day, gone the next. We fight when we see each other and then argue between who's right and wrong. This is... getting ridiculous."

The tension was starting to become palpable. "Well, why are we still together then?" Selena shouted.

"Because I love you" Julia shouted back. "I love you so damn much it hurts. I don't wanna let you go Selena... but we need to talk to each other. It can't be like this."

The rain continued to fall, masking their outcries to the rest of the world. It was now or never, Julia knew that.

"You don't listen to me Jules, I don't know what I can do to fix that. I love you so much; but you don't listen."

"Maybe we should take a break, evaluate what the problems really are, and then talk" Selena said.

"A break, seriously? We can figure this out now, why are you giving up on me Sel, why..."

Her heart felt even more shattered than before. The creeping realization that Selena may not love her anymore was sinking it; and it hurt. A lot. It was getting hard to breathe — and everything felt so dark, empty.

"Where are you going Jules, it's dangerous to go out this late. Come on, I'll take the couch and you-"

The door slammed shut.

She needed to get away from 'home,' that's all Julia knew. A storm was lashing out in her head, but her heart felt so void. All she could do was run forward. It was hard to differentiate between tears and rain, between the emptiness and pain. Everything was moving so fast, until that remained was a white flash. Her body laid limp against the road; the headlights of a car were painted with crimson.

When Selena finally caught up, all that remained were sirens and officers. Not even a body to say goodbye to.

 Not even a body to say goodbye to

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