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Picture of Ryder above

Stella pov

It was lunch time and me and rosey walking to lunch and talking. Getting to know each other .

" so do u have a boyfriend?" She asked I shook my head no . " do u? " I asked she shook her head no also I smiled " we are such loaners" she said and we both started laughing . Me and rose are very alike .

" what are u doing this weekend? " rosey asked I thought for a minute and realized I didn't have any plans " nothing why? " I asked and we got in line to get our food . She squaled like she just saw a famous person.

" well there's a pool party at Carson Parker's house and everyone is invited " she said as we got our food and sat down at a table near the window and it had a perfect view of the parking lot .

" sounds fun but I don't know " I said and ate my chips I'm not really a party person .
" please it will be so much fun and we need to go shopping for a bikini pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee I'll be your best friend! " rosey said then thought about what she just said

I rolled my eyes and laughed " you already are my best friend rosey" I said and smiled " I'll be your bestest friend" she said I nodded " I'll go to the party " I said " yes! " she said and ate her food I laughed and looked out the window.

I saw Shawn smoking a cigarette and he looked at me the wrote something on a pice of paper and held it up . It said:

Come here now
I looked at rosey. " hey I'm going to talk to one of my teachers I'll see you later " I said and went outside to Shawn . I would have said no but I'm scared of him so I thought I should listen . I went up towards him the other three boys was not here .

" yes? " I asked as I stood in front of him . He took a smoke from the cigarette and smashed it to the ground . Then he pulled me closer to him and for some reason I liked it .

" I wanna take u some where " he said and I was very confused. He doesn't even know me why should I go with him when he is also a killer. " no " I said and backed up away from him . He just got closet to me . " you can go the easy way or the hard way now get in the car" Shawn said and got in his car

I got in with him

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