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I haven't left the room for a week.

The guards are patrolling my room 24/7. They bring me food and water three times a day.

Kyle hasn't come back from his trip. He checks up on me almost every hour. Telling me to eat and drink water and that I need to stay healthy.

I'm currently eating breakfast and I suddenly feel weird feeling inside my stomach.

I quickly push the plate to the side and I run to the bathroom throwing up some of the food I ate.

I stood up, flushed the toilet and I brushed my teeth.

It's the 4th time I threw up this week.

I took a shower, wore some fresh clothes and I went back to bed to have a nap.

Fuck my life.


This is too much, I haven't seen Amaya for a week. Everytime I come to work, the bodyguards, maids and chefs tell me she's gone to visit her family.

I don't fucking believe them. They have 4 fucking guards outside of a room. Telling me no one is allowed to go inside that room without Kyle's permission.

But why are they keeping me out of that room? and why aren't they allowing her to come out?

I can't take it anymore I have too see her.

It was currently 12 pm and I was still sorting the weapons that will be sent to Italy.

The men are stalking up Pistols, Grenades, AK-47's and Tech-9's.

I walked out the basement and I went to the kitchen to grab myself something to eat.

I saw the chef that always prepares food everyday at this hour.

"M-Mr Ivanov you're early today." He said. "Yes I came early and I always see you prepare meals, like three meals a day." I replied.

"Listen, I know Amaya is here. I don't believe what you told me. Take me to her." I mumbled.

"But the bodyguards Sir, I'll get into trouble if they find out." He stuttered.

"You know what, give me that tray I'll take it to her." I snatched the tray from his hands and I walked upstairs.

When I walked towards the room. Kyle's minions took out their guns and they pointed them towards me.

"You're not allowed here Sir." One of them mumbled.

I chuckled. "Do you know who the fuck I am. Let me in this room now!" I yelled.

"Sir I seriously need you to lea-" He didn't finish his sentence when I shot him on his shoulder. He let out a loud scream as held his wounded shoulder.

"Listen to me very carefully, you will open that fucking door and Black will not find out about this do you understand." I mumbled.

"Yes Sir." They all mumbled.

"And you." I pointed to the asshole I shot. "Make sure you get some help with that fucking wound."

One the guards took out the key and he handed it to me. "Thanks, you're finally using your brain." I mumbled.

I went inside to find an empty bed. I placed the tray on the bed.


"Detka?" I heard a voice call out from the bedroom.

My head was resting on the toilet while I threw up the food I ate this morning.

"Shit Detka are you okay?" Sage asked as he walked towards me. He helped me up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. "I was worried for a second. I thought I would never see you again." He stated.

Sage paused for a second and he squinted his eyes.

"Detka is that bruise?" He asked pointing to my neck. "No it's nothing." I quickly replied.

I walked out the bathroom and I wore my hoodie. "Are you sure Dekta?" Sage mumbled. "Yes I'm sure." I muttered.

"But I wanted to make s-" I cut him off. "I said I'm fucking fine Sage!" I yelled, bursting into tears.

"Hey, hey it's okay I didn't mean to upset you." He mumbled while rubbing my back.

Why I'm I emotional these days?

"I'll just give you some space. I'll check up on you later da?" He mumbled.

"Yeah. Thank you."


After a few hours Sage came back and we spent the rest of the day together. We were chilling in the living room binge watching marvel movies.

I'm currently lying in bed reading a book. Yes a book full of smut.

He told about how Kyle was a fucking asshole when they grew up.

He still is an asshole though.

I've been spending a few days with Sage.

I'm more comfortable with Sage than my own husband. He's a great guy. He always tries to make laugh and he always asks if I'm okay every now and then.

I'm starting to open up to him. But I don't trust him yet.

I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Kyle with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm back sweetheart did you miss me?" He smiled, walking towards throwing his suit jacket somewhere on the floor.

He sat beside me on the bed and he leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"I hope I didn't spend a lot of time in Italy to the point that you miss me yes?" He chuckled playing with my fingers.

Should have spent the rest of your life there.

"Everything went well as always but the suppliers demand more equipment all the damn time." He mumbled.

"You know sweetheart, I killed one of the gunmen. He was talking about how beautiful you are, how he wanted to treat you like a queen." He chuckled.

"But he didn't know I'm the first and I'm the only person who gets to do that hmm?" He muttered.

"I love you so much baby." He mumbled  as he ran his hand over my stomach giving me a quick kiss.

"I would do anything for you baby. I would kill every man who looks your way."

"Now how about we take that pregnancy test hmm?"

I love you all so much.🧡

 Her Savior Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang