A New Friend

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If you read my profile you know that the full story won't be posted here. This is here so I can get a good idea whether or not to continue writing it. So if you wanna see more of this story comments are the best way to get my attention.


"And that concludes our special program, 'Let's Ask Professor. Rowan!'." The newscaster exclaimed. "Brought to you by Jubilife TV on Nationwide net!"

The interview ended. Moving on to a documentary about Pokémon Island.

"I get to see all these amazing places, and from the comfort of the couch," An older woman mused to her grandchild. "Isn't that amazing?"

The child nodded along as they ate their cereal. Their mind was more focused on getting food in their mouth than on the TV.

Another voice let out a surprised shout from the kitchen. "Your Swinub is going to kill me one of these days, Mum!" She said as she lifted the Pokemon she just tripped over, and carried it over to her mother.

"Oh, Betsy. You poor little thing," The older woman sighed as she let the furry creature nestle into her lap.

This was an average morning in the Chiara household ever since April's Nana had moved in with them. April's mother often made a big deal of how annoying she found the Swinub, but April knew deep down she would never let anything bad happen to the porcine.

April's mother let out a huff and turned to her child. "If you bring home another one of those, I'll never forgive you."

"Noted, I'll bring a Pokemon that can't even fit through the door," April joked.

"You're awful," April's mother rolled her eyes. "But at least I can't trip over those."

"April!" A loud voice screamed while swinging open the door. Causing the young child to choke on their drink.

"Bentley," April's mother hushed the boy in the doorway. "Please knock before you do stuff like that."

"Sorry, Ms Yulie," The blondie apologised. "I just really need to tell April something!"

April's mother continued to try and get the boy to calm down. She explained that it was seven in the morning and far too early in the morning for this kind of thing. All while April was still coughing up their drink.

"Oh dear," April's Nana said while patting April on the back.

"I'm okay," April wheezed, then turned to Bentley. "Sup?"

"Did you see what was just on?!" Bentley shouted.

"The Professor Rowan thing?" April tried to answer.

"YES!" Bentley squealed. Causing Betsy to lift their head in surprise. "He's that really important guy who studies Pokemon, right?"

"Right?" April nodded. Not sure where Bentley was going with this.

"He must have a ton of Pokemon. So if we ask him, I bet he'll give us some!"

"Oh, okay," April finally realised what their friend was getting at.

Bentley looked like he was about to say something else but stopped when he looked at something behind April.

"Tony!" Rory beamed at the Delcatty, who was making her way down the stairs. He started rushing towards her but stopped when the purple and cream-coloured Pokemon jumped back up the stairs. Scared by the boy running towards her at top speed.

"Arceus, help the Pokemon that ends up with that boy," Nana whispered to April's mother. Who nodded in agreement.

"Um, where was I?" Bentley stopped for a split second. "Oh right right! We're going to see Professor Rowan and get some Pokemon. Come on!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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