When it started..

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Hello, My name is Kehlani I'm 16 and I'm in highschool. I started my junior year in highschool six months ago and I'm not fitting in very much, I have a hand full of friends at school but there's only one that really sticks out her name is Destiny, she my age but much more prettier, likeable, and mature she's literally the definition of a perfect pretty girl I sometimes wonder why she's friends with me of all people to be friends with, when I'm with her I stick out like a sore thumb...but she doesn't make me feel that way she makes me feel like I'm actually her friend and she makes me feel like more than a friend to her. In first hour I can hear people whispering about this new rumor that was going around but it's nothing new this school is filled with untrustworthy rumors and liars who just make stuff up for drama and for arguments or just to be petty, but this rumor is the only one that has caught my attention.

"Did you hear about this new rumor going on I heard that one of the students here work as a hitman" I overheard some of the conversation happening behind me "no way..a hitman aren't hitman's supposed to be like really talented killers" well no shit they're talented killers that's why they're hitman I stopped listening after that sentence it's probably just another made up lie someone spread around the school but for some reason I couldn't focus in class I didn't hear or understand what the teacher was saying and that was strange for me something was on my mind but even I didn't know what I was thinking about.

After some of my classes I had free period so I started to walk of and found Destiny or rather she found me "HEY KEHLANI" she was always yelling my name, to her my name was the prettiest name she's ever heard so she said she has to yell it so people know how pretty it is.

"Hey Destiny how was your class?" UGH exhausting, Mr.Mike had us write and essay in French about the meaning of the language" sheesh sounds rough" how about you? How was your class?" I couldn't tell you I haven't been able to focus in my classes today for some reason" for some reason? You sound unsure as to why you weren't paying attention.." Yeah cause I am unsure..I don't know why I couldn't focus one moment I'm paying attention in class the next I hear some of my classmates talking about some hired hitman in the school and the next thing you know..I can't focus in any of my classes" Wait back up..what did you say?" I can't focus in my classes?" No no no..before that" Oh some people in my class talking about a hired hitman in the school?" ..A hitman?" Yeah it's so dumb it's probably just another rumor someone made-up for attention" Yeah..I actually gotta go I promised my teacher I would help her clean her room" Oh okay..see you later" then Destiny walked off with out returning my goodbye and we didn't talk at school after that which kinda hurt me inside.

"Text message to Destiny"
"Hey Destiny, are you okay we didn't talk at school after our conversation I just wanted to know if you were mad at me for some reason."

A few minutes passed before she texted me back but I wasn't in my room so I didn't respond back instantly like I would usually do

"Message from Destiny"
HEY GIRL, yeah I'm fine I wasn't feeling good so I went home early and forgot to tell youuuu I'm so sorry of course I'm not mad at you I could neverrrrr be mad at you

I get back in my room and read her message and unconsciously blushed a little at the last part "I could never be mad at you.." I smile and decide to send her another message to tell that's it's okay and something else rather important that I would much rather talk about in person

"Text message to Destiny"
Oh okay that's good i'm glad you're not mad! I actually wanted to talk to you about something


She texted back instantly I didn't even get a chance to collect myself after I pressed send I was freaking out I didn't know what to do in the situation it's not like it's a love confession or anything well..it is about love but not a confession. I picked my phone up and read her text and responded

"Message from Destiny"
Oh yeah girl what's up are you okay? Are you sad? Do you need me to come over :(( now I'm kinda worried

"Message to Destiny"
No no no , i'm not sad i'm fine I just need advice for a relationship or advice on how to get in a relationship


She left me on read....I wonder why is it something I said.. I'll just wait a few seconds to see if she responds, a few seconds turned into a few minutes a few minutes turned into a few hours and the next thing you know.. it's midnight and Destiny hasn't responded to my text I wonder if I said something to make her upset..I'll just ask her tomorrow at school.. and with that thought dwelling in my head thinking about what I did or said that might've made her upset and made her leave me on read or if I'm only overreacting in the situation the more I keep thinking about it the more I get tired and the next thing you know i'm slowly starting to drift asleep thinking of ways to talk to Destiny in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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