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Disclaimer and what to expect

-This work is purely made out of fiction

-Author doesn't own any of the members or characters. I mean no harm to any of them, this is for entertainment purposes only if you find it offensive you're free to go

-Gramatical and typo graphical errors included cuz author be a newbie pls bare with me

- Author has no sense of romance nor humor so this might get boring

-Word count inconsistent cuz author have a habit of writing too long

-Not the first time this author writes but is the first time author is gonna at least try to finish the story

-If there's any problems with the story pls kindly inform author, please and thank you

-If anyone's reading this this is your chance and warning of exiting the ✨cringe✨

-Enjoy lomv you mwah 💆🏻‍♂️

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