Chap 39

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Im planning to burn a school wanna join me?

Im too lazy yall know the keywords anyways hahahah

Btw tw just prepare ur self every chap bc im too lazy to put still plus i did a warning at the intro so click off if u dont liek any of the things i put in intro

"you're so Adorable" a demon said while watching mammon in his computer

He was watching mammon as his phone rings he picked it up and said "found anything?"

With Mammon

Mammon was sleeping peacefully but then got disturbed by a knock


Mammon yelled tiredly "what" as he sat up "lets go eat dinner." it was satan "no, im not hungry" he replied to satan

"that bullshit again come down and eat!" satan shouted outside the door mammon flinched and said "no, i'm full"

"come down and eat., dont make me come in there." satan was clearly mad at this point "no!" mammon replied

Mammon rans up the door and holds it he knew that satan wasn't joking why wont you leave me alone. Just eat with them not like you guys need me. He thought

He was shocked by was the door moving a bit was he getting weak?

He was.. Satan kept trying to get in as Mammon tries to hold it but clearly he was struggling

Soon enough the door budged mammon moved a little due to the impact he looks at the angry satan

"im not hungry leave me alone." he said to satan was angry but confused

Satans thoughts what the fuck how did i budge in when Mammon was holding the door, did he get weak? He thought he brushed it off and said "come eat now."

"no, i dont want to!" he said but satan was hungry and didn't have enough energy to argue so he dragged mammon by the wrist to the dinning area and pushed him in a seat

"ouch.." mammon said whispering "finally took you long enough, im starving" levi said "mammon was taking so long he kept saying no, had to drag him" satan said as he eats a spoonful of food

Mammon stared at the food feeling a bit disgusted by the thought of him gettibg fat if he ate it

The food was taunting him but he didnt wanna get fat

Beel noticed this and said "mammon why aren't you eating?" mammon looked at him and said "im not hungry.." as his stomach grumbles ah shit.. He thought

"not hungry, Are you sure? your stomach seems to be hungry" beel replied "im not hungry.." he said as he stands up but got pulled back to his seat by levi "EAT" levi said

Mammon tried to escape again but kept getting pulled back by levi why is his arms thin? How can i pull him back down again that easily.. Did i get stronger! Hmm levi thought

"just eat Mammon, stop causing a ruckus" lucifer said

Mammon didn't want to he wanted to escape he didnt wanna get fat what if he ate and got fat.. What if his friends dont like him anymore because hes fat..

He started to panic he didnt want his brothers to see this so he stood up unexpectedly and ran to his room and to his bathroom

He locked it as he starts to shake

With his brothers

They were shocked "ugh" levi said beel sighed he escaped again

"did you notice satan." levi said as he was eating "what" he replied "Mammon's weak and thin" levi told him

The others look at levi "what do you mean" asmo said "you know what dont mind it " levi said

With Mammon

He started to shake more what if they hate him because his fat he panics more he looked up and saw the..



Ahaha anyways school is shit i wanna burn it join me

don't hurt me please I've had enough (Mammon angst)Where stories live. Discover now