Universe 4 part 2: Injustice End + Bonus Scene

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There will be small changes, since it needs to fit the narative

"Ok, I know, Izuku you are Mad, but we have to Finish the Universe" X said, as Izuku nodded

The Screen started up, as it showed a Portal opening, out stepping Eri and Klee, now Adult Edition, as Izuku looked sad at them, before the 2 attacked him, as Izuku didn't fight back at first

"WHAT ARE WE DOING?" Eri and Klee yelled

"You're trying to stop him, since this Izuku has started Killing People, for Peace" X explained

"So I'm/the Nerd's a Villain?" Izuku and Katsuki asked at the same time

"Not really, just a Broken Hero" X explained, as everyone, but the Aldera Assholes looked sympathetic, they thought, he deserved this, for being Quirkless in their World, Katsuki just stopped caring about that, accepting Izuku as Rival

"Stop" Izuku said, as he grabbed the 2 by the Neck and slamming them down

"I know your little Secret, you're Holding back, we all did, but I don't, anymore" Izuku said, as he then threw both Gurls into the opposite direction, before rushing after Klee, uppercutting her and then kicking her back to the Ground, as she lays there, defeated

"Papa, Please stop" Eri yelled out, as she came back, with only Izuku punching her in the Gut, kncking the Air out of her, as he grabbed her leg and threw her against a Truck

Eri then came back rushing at him, as he simply dodged

"You once inspired Hope" she said, as Izuku catched her Punch

"Now I bring Justice" he answered, as Klee also rushed at him, getting her Punch catched

"Justice is Blind, Not Heartless" she said

"..." Izuku just watched, as the 2 Girls clung onto him, not believeing how deep any version of him could Fall

Then Aizawa came in, telling them to stand back, as Izuku rushed at him, punching him in the Face, drawing Blood, as Aizawa layed there, Izuku started choking him, preparing to Punch him with his other Hand

"You think I'll stop, because someone will talk me out of it?" Izuku asked, clearly angry

"Yes" Aizawa answered, as through the Portal, with help, another, even more Pregnant looking Momo appeared

"Hello, Izuku" she said, as Izuku's face was shown, slowly twisting to wide eyes, can't believe it face, to sad but surptised, looking up at her, heating her Voice, he then fleoated over to her, as he landed infront of her

"You're not Momo" he said, as she looked to the Side

"And you're not my Izuku" she said, as Izuku had a Sad expression on his Face, that grew to Sympathy

"Sometimes the same words need the True Person to tell" Aizawa said

"He died, stopping All for One" she said, as Izuku watched, the 2 girls, he beat walk up to her, standing next to her, as Izuku looked at the 3 girls

"Every Life was sacred to him. Was it not to you?" Inko said, as she appeared from the Portal too, Izuku looking shocked and sad

"I'm trying to give the World Peace" Izuku says, as he tries to make her Understand

"By murdering others that dissagree with you?" Momo said, as she looked at all the Heroes surrounding them

"How many People, Husbands, Wives and Children will you kill for Peace, Izuku?" Momo asked, as Izuku closed his eyes, looking down

"How did it come to this?" Izuku questioned himself, as Momo, Inko, Eri and Klee, all 4 grabbed his Hand and put it on the Baby Belly on Momo, as he felt the Live of his Unborn Child, drawing tears from him, until he looked away in shame, falling to his knees

This made Izuku tear up, most others too, teared up, as they realized, a Broken Hero, just another Broken Human, no matter how Powerful, his Heart was too Human

"What have I done?" He asked further, as he was full of Guilt

"I deserve Death" he said, as he then looked to the Side

"No, we will build a Red Sun Prison for you, where you will stay" Aizawa said, as the 4 Girls helped Izuku up

"That won't be Neccessary, I will get rid of my Powers, for good" Izuku said, as they helped him get to his Home
The Screen then turned Black

"God-Like Powers and he wants to get Rid of Them?" Some questioned, not believing their ears, especially Izuku

"With Great Power, there must also come Great Responsibility" X said, as everyone looked at him

X simply pointed to the Screen, as it turned on again

There stood Izuku and Dr. Shield, the one who created the Costumes for All Might and helped him and other heroes around the World

"The Doctor David Shield?" Izuku asked, as he wrote into his Notebook, even the Quite that X said

"Well, I won't take much of your Time" Izuku said, as David interrupts him

"Midoriya, now I remember you, you're of Yagi's Student, he tells me you're Brilliant" David said, as Izuku smiled

"He also tells me you're Lazy" David finished, as Izuku looked at the ground then back at him

"Well, I'm trying to do better" Izuku said, as David looked at him

X shortly explained that Izuku is the only Human with Powers and a Hero, thus he is "Lazy" at School and Class, even tho he is a Genius, X then told Izuku to write the Quote he will hear, as Izuku listened patiently

"Well being Brilliant is not enough, young Man, you have to Work Hard" David said

"Intelligence is not a Privelege, it's a Gift and you use it for the good of Mankind" David said, as Izuku smiled again
The Screen then turned off again

Izuku wrote it down, as he smiled at the Screen, before the 2 children hugged him, as they fell asleep, with Izuku being Glad, with his Life, sure he wished he was born with a Quirk, but he was ok with it now, he was ok with not becoming a Hero

They all then left the Room, to go relax before the next Universe

End of Universe 4 part 2

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