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Yes as i said i don't know much about him, but i still kind of love the way he's so charming i love the way he talks i love the way he cares.

Little did i know that it won't last,we had nothing going on between us but we just had that connection with each other, we cared a lot about each other whenever a good or bad thing happened we first told each other.

We were talking as usual one day when he started some serious conversation about us. I didn't understand why he was doing it was confusing me.

"If only you weren't Toms sister " he said.
He was never like that or never used my brothers name

"Adrio what do you mean" i said

He started to talk random stuff
so y'all he's 5 years older than me.

He likes girls that are his age he likes girls that can hang out with him whenever he wanted to

But no i wasn't like that, i'm younger & have strict parents

He was not confident about himself he used to tell me how he wanted to be beautiful

I told him he was beautiful just the way he is

We fighted for little things whenever i posted a boy or he saw me talking a boy he always seemed to be interested on what i did , he used to be jealous.

As i said we fight for little things there was a night and we started to argue i was scared.

I was scared that i might loose him because it was bad we were fighting for nothing but still the way he got angry was a bad thing

But no just because i love him that doesn't mean he can treat me however he wants too

We fighted said bad things to each other he said

"Goodbye see you never"

I was scared he might block me or something i was shaking because it's okay that we fighted it's okay that we cannot be together i was just hoping to see him and see his pictures that he posted.

But no , that was too late i saw that he actually blocked me.

I went to sleep right away otherwise my mind would kill me.

That was it. I thought i'll just move on with my life and not care about anyone

I found myself thinking about him asking myself if he's doing alright,did he eat, how are his studies going what about his work

I cared a lot. And i still care

But he couldn't stay away from me there's no way. Hehe. Well yeah me and my brother are close enough for him to tell me about his day what he does and all.

They started to hang out ever single day i was happy knowing that at least i know what he does and where he is.

I asked my brother about him a lot but i still was trying not to show how i feel about Adrio

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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