Double Trouble

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A/N: Surprise! I never thought I'd write an organised crime AU. I read them sometimes but I don't want to romanticise them but then I got my Seungjin bingo card and I got an idea. I hope it makes sense. It took a while to write and it's the reason why I haven't started Still Flowers For You. This also means there will be other shorter fics. There's one with aliens I'm itching to write. Please let me know what you think:)

Double Trouble

"So what you're saying Hwang-ssi, is that you have no idea where the container of laptops is. Is that right?"

"That's right Officer Kim" Hyunjin nodded with a smile that half asked to be bashed in "No idea at all."

The interrogation room was cold – nearly frigid – in hopes that criminals would be unable to think lies. Hyunjin was too good however. They had been in this room for nearly an hour and this definitely wasn't the first time. Seungmin's suit jacket protected him but Hyunjin was wearing a white blouse which he kept rolled up to his elbows, never so much as touching his sleeve to slide it down. He was probably kept warm by the fire inside him.

"What were you doing in the container yard where the truck was last seen Hyunjin-ssi?" Seungmin had already asked that question but truthfully, he was out of new ones to ask.

Hyunjin was good at closing loopholes and maintaining the same version of events, giving the inspectors nothing to use against him, well at least on the case. He had a record or minor charges.

"I was...meeting someone. A client so to speak. They wanted anonymity" Hyunjin was playing coy, rolling some hair on his finger and giving a bashful smile. Crossing his legs and looking anywhere but at the two-mirrored glass.

"And your client would get anonymity in a yard with CCTV?" Seungmin asked, frowning.

"Well, the man was a security guard there. Possibly still is and he said they only care about stealing on CCTV. He just wanted some company. Said his colleagues do the same."

Hyunjin was good. Giving them one hint at a time but still maintaining the same story. Making it seem like Seungmin was a good interviewer that pulled it out of him and hoping that something sinks. Seungmin narrowed his eyes and then he nodded.

"Any name or way to identify this security guard?" he asked. It was a big yard with many guards and it boggled his superiors' minds why it went missing there and not a smaller yard. Seungmin speculated it had something to do with security guards not being suspects. There was safety in numbers. The container of laptops wasn't simple everyday ones either and his superiors were really worries about them being high-technology and whoever had them would have a big advantage in communications. Seungmin was diligent and didn't think that a container of laptops was too small of a case and it followed that he had gotten the lead.

"I'm sorry officer Kim but I don't know his name just the size of his...well. Ah! But he had a tattoo on his arm hidden behind his sleeve. I remember it clearly because it was a snake and I'm afraid of them" Hyunjin loved the theatrics, you could tell. A lot of people wanted to break them to break him. Everyone else would assume he was playing it up to not seem suspicious or to cover his fear. Hyunjin didn't care for that. If he's scared, he'll scream.

"Right, thank you Hwang-ssi. That's all. Your lawyer has not requested bail yet so until then, you will be escorted to a jail cell in the precinct" Seungmin explained to the man being investigated. Well, he wasn't simply being investigated; he was going to be charged for one crime or another. When Seungmin had pointed out that they cannot do that, his superiors had pointed out that at the very least he had trespassed, possibly solicited and probably stolen at least something if not the container or laptops.

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