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We've been together for so long
But never figured out what was going on
And this made me think what possibly goes wrong
That maybe  I am just someone to lean on and not someone to keep and not worthy to hold on

Yes we always had each other
In ups and downs I am always there
In times you want to surrender
I always had your back and ask what's the matter

But maybe those things aren't enough
Even in the fact that I made myself available even my days also went very though
Just like a typical lover who always cheers you up
I am the one who always makes you laugh

But do you also do the same?
Because for me, maybe you're not
And this reality hurts me so much
That it doesn't guarantee how much I've cared for you from the very start

Is it because we never had us?
The very first thing I always forgot  and why am I expecting this much?
Truly, a stupidly obsessed individual who treated you differently
Who dreamed to be yours just like in  her wildest fantasy

But it's okay
Maybe we're better of this way
Just processing the painful reality
That you and I will never turn into us, officially

The story of ours which never have started formally
Will already have its end completely
Disregarding the fact that I fallen for you deeply
In order to take another path and start my new journey

Walking away might help me recover
Taking each step may heal my heart and be better
Picking heart pieces that scatters
Saving my heart is all that matters

And finally the romantic feeling is  gone
But you'll remain one of those special someone
Someone I met in unexpected time
A stranger with unforgettable  memories as sweet as wine

ESCAPED WORDS FROM THE UNSEALED MINDWhere stories live. Discover now