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"And there's your baby, right there." The doctor said, pointing towards the screen.

"Wow that's amazing." Kyle said with a smile. Holding my hand."That's our baby sweetheart." He smiled whilst looking at the screen."Mrs. Black you're twelve weeks pregnant. Everything looks fine. You and the baby are perfectly healthy." The Doctor stated.

"That's good to hear, isn't that right sweetheart?" Kyle mumbled."Yeah." I replied.

"So Doctor what's the gender of the baby?" Kyle asked, smiling.

"We're unable to tell if it's a girl or a boy at the moment because the genitals are slowly forming." The Doctor replied."Your next appointment will be when you're 18 weeks pregnant. Mr. Black please make sure mama and the baby are well taken care of." The Doctor said.

"No need to worry Doctor. I'll take care of her." Kyle said.

More like beat the shit out of me.

"There's a picture of your baby." The Doctor said, giving Kyle the ultrasound sound pictures.He smiled widely looking at the picture with tears in his eyes."I love you so much sweetheart." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

We left the doctors office and Kyle was driving back to the mansion. He placed his hand hand on my thigh slightly rubbing it from time to time."I'm so happy sweetheart  you are pregnant, this feels like a dream." He smiled while he kept his eyes on the road.

"I can not wait for our baby, our son." He beams.

"Kyle are you sure it's a boy?" I asked. He chuckled at the question I asked."Of course sweetheart I know we're going to have a beautiful baby boy, I can feel it." He muttered."Kyle what we are going to have a girl?" I raised my eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter baby I couldn't care less about the gender of our baby, as long as you're happy." He placed a kiss on my cheek."Now let's hurry home. I miss spending time with my beautiful wife." He smiled."I love you so much Amaya, I can't live without you." He smiled.

After we got home, Kyle carried me inside and he softly placed me on the couch as he placed a wet kiss on my lips, he told me how much he loved me and how lucky he is to have me.


He's currently sitting with me in the living room and he is feeding me the lunch he cooked for me. He said I need to enough food for me and our baby to stay healthy. He wouldn't even care if I gained weight. 

"Okay sweetheart if it's a boy how about a mixture of my name and your dad's name?" He asked rubbing small circles around my stomach.

Hell no.

You're an ass who's crazy and abusive.

And my dad is a deadbeat dad, who has done nothing but to hurt my mother.

"I-I'm not sure about that Kyle but we'll discuss the names once we find out the gender." I said, he nodded his head with a smile."Anything and everything for you Mrs. Black." He chuckled and he kissed me.

"I love you." He beamed.

The last time I said those three words to him was when he hit me for the first. I'm not in love with him anymore and he knows it. He obsessed with me and in his own fucked up mind I am still his wife and he loves me, he'll do anything for me even if I don't love him anymore.



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