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They have been gone for a week and in two months Guy flys back here to see me on my birthday for two weeks I'm so excited but I was really lonely but I have been in a better place like I don't want to self harm or die.

In a week Guy comes we was both so excited we was always on a call to each other I made a friend his name was Jake we was both in school together yesterday he asked me out but I told him I had a boyfriend he stormed off mad but he came back and apologised to me and if he could go somewhere together as friends I accepted.

I was on a call to guy we was still so excited to see each other then we went I went to meet Jake at the park it was getting dark really dark but I just kept walking.

Her final moments 14 year old Venessa Jules see alive before she was killed.

Her last moments was on a security camera walking with a boy then later on about an hour later the boy was running home by himself.

The state attorney described those as defence wounds so she was trying to fight back trying to protect herself literally fighting for her life.

It was now her funeral her farther was there the ducks every one guy was devastated angels aunt was saying some words "always and forever my cheerleader my sweet little niece my heart feels like it has been ripped out"she was saying but couldn't to crying a lot.

Venessa Jules was stabbed over a hundred times they found her in a lake with revenge written on her ankle.


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