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Your pov

*I woke up and our hands were still holding, his hand is so warm and today it's my 14th birthday (if you don't get it the same happend in this age too and just idk if you don't get it just text me😭🤚) omg school again just two last years (it was too big skip time like skip years 😭) and omg i forgot Milos have birthday too i need to get ready. Milos woke up and go home back from the window and get ready too*

You: Milos come on we are late
Milos: yea im coming

*We arrive to school*

You: and here we go gain
Milos: yep but maybe we find some friends finally
You: maybe...

*We start our first peroid it's boring as always but Milos is next to me so it's not that much boring*

Milos: hey watch
You: no Milos don't do something stupid
Milos: ugh fine


You: finally the it's end of this shit
Milos: ey! Language
You: oh sorry "daddy" *laught*
Milos: haha funny come on the lunch

*We were sitting and random boy came to us*

?: Hey can i sit there?
You: n-

*He cut me off and said*

Milos: yea ofc sit, oh and your name?
Gardian: oh uh yea my name is gardian
Milos: oh cool my name is Milos and this is y/n
Gardian: good, have you two plains after school?
Y/n: no
Gardian: oh cool you want hang out?
Milos: yea it would be great right y/n?
You: yea yea
Gardian: okay can you give me your numbers
You: yea ofc here
Milos: there you go
Gardian: so later?
Me and Milos: yea ofc
Gardian: great

*We start walking home*

Milos: see one new friend
You: yea
Milos: omg what is wrong with you today
You: nothing just not in the mood
Milos: fine but if something happend tell me
You: yea i know, can we hurry up i don't feel good
Milos: of course

*We got home and i lay on the bad it really wasn't my day i got period god*

You: mom!!!
Y/m: what's wrong sweety?
You: i don't feel good
Y/m: you want pain killers
You: yea it would be great

*She got me the pain killers and i alseep*

Milos pov

*Omg what is wrong with her she didn't answer me so i decided to go to her room then i saw her asleep and blood on the sheets i need cancel the hang out with gardian so i texted him*

Milos: hey bro i need to cancel the hang out sorry bro
Gardian: oh it's fine bro maybe tomorrow
Milos: okay text you later
Gardian: k

*I need to help her but i can't wake her up im just going to wait until she wake up*

3hours later

*Oh she finally woke up*

Milos: hey sweety what's wrong?
You: nothing what would be
Milos: i saw the blood on the sheets don't lie

Your pov

*Fuck that was the last thing he must know*

You: oh yea it's fine im gonna clean it up
Milos: sure you want help?
You: it'sfine

*I clean it up and change into something more comfortable*
You: you wanna lay with me and watch some movie?
Milos: yea sure you want some snacks?
You: no it's fine but if you want some go get som to yourself
Milos: nah im good

*We got so tired and asleep*

582 words
(Hope you enjoy if you want help me text me IG: v.brichackova thank you for reading love ya'll ❤️)

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