Chapter One:

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Every person has their own destiny, they live their lives every day and attempt to take a step in the right direction. I never knew that my own destiny would involve four men wrapped in leather and blood. Some people come from a happy life and ignore their destiny whether they mean it or not. I come from an abusive family, my parents and my brother. My older brother can do no wrong, he is perfect in the eyes of my family, I myself am blamed for everything. We moved to the Murder Capital of the World because my parents and my brother spent all their money and to save safe my father decided to move everyone here.

My father is a mean and cruel man and a drunk, my mother while its mainly wine she prefers she is also a drunk. And my brother, he is a so-called star athlete who smokes weed at every chance he gets.

I glanced at my so-called family from the back seat in the car, my father decided to drive into Santa Carla at night, not very smart for the Murder Capital of the World, but anyone tells him that and. Well.

Father pulled into the boardwalks parking lot, and once the car was turned off he turned to me with a glare. "If you draw any attention to us, I will beat you, do you understand?" I nodded in agreement. They exit the car with me not too far behind, I stood by the car and watched as the three of them pretty much rushed onto the boardwalk. I started to also make my way there when a sharp pull like feeling tugged at me making me come to a complete stop.

"Weird" When I finally arrived at the entrance I saw my brother waiting with a smirk on his face, "come on mom and dad are waiting for us." As he grabbed my arm I saw out of the corner of my eye a group of men watching with glares upon their pale faces, the bleach blond made eye contact with me and smirked. When someone passed between us, they were suddenly gone.

Eric, my brother, dragged me into an alleyway where our parents were waiting, "you have caused us enough problems." My father pulled out a knife along with my other family members, my father started towards me before something yanked him into the shadows. "What the hell?" My mother asked before she too was pulled, my brother quickly grabbed me from behind and held a knife to my neck, "who's there!" he shouted, "I'll kill her if you come any closer!" I could feel a drop of blood roll down my neck.

I looked around as best I could before remembering what my grandmother would tell me as a child before she passed. My grandmother, the only person in my family who ever loved me, told me that there are things that go bump in the night, that one day may save my life. Sadly she passed away a couple of years ago.

I remember the legend or well more of a story that she used to tell me,

Long ago, it was written in the stars a girl with blood red hair and blue eyes with a smile so bright that when it is

shown it can light up the world, will be mated to a beast of the moon a killer and monster, she will

be the light inside this man's home and heart, she will be the sister his brothers always wanted.

When found they will stop at nothing to make her one of them, but even if they succeed in that

she will never lose her light. They will protect her through the darkness, but also lead her into

it. They will be the home she has always missed, and she will be the family they have always

wanted. She will be their strength in the light, their protective force, but they will let no one

close enough to hurt her. But remember Ella, one day they will find her and she no matter how

She tries to avoid it belonging to her mate, for they are vampires.

I came out of my flashback when I heard a dark chuckle ring out through the alleyway.


My brother continued to hold the knife to my throat as the dark chuckling continued to sound throughout the dark alleyway. I could feel Eric shaking in his shoes as the knife continued to dig into my neck. I know that I should feel fear at this point but for some reason the only thing I could feel was peace, and absolute calmness radiating throughout my body.

It's almost like someone is protecting me and my body knows that I am going to be okay. "You know, I know that Santa Carla is the Murder Capital of the World, but I never knew that there people as stupid as you that would only come here to murder someone, much less family. Though, you have never considered her family, nor has she considered you and your pathetic parent's family."

Eric jerked me around as he attempted to look around, "what's going on?" he shouted at the empty air, a chuckle sounded out once again. "He wants to know what's going on. Marko, what's going on?" "I don't know, Paul, what's going on?" "Wait, who wants to know?" "Eric wants to know"

Four different voices sounded through the alley, "how do you know my name?" Eric asked once again, a chuckle sound from right in front of me, Eric turned back, and we both watched as a shadow figure became visible, "What do you want?" Eric asked again, "We want you dead." He said before Eric was pulled away from me, I spun around not seeing anyone, only hearing Eric's screams. I ran to my father's dead body and grabbed the keys to the new house from it and quickly ran from the alley.

It took very little time to reach the new house that was a good distance from the boardwalk, once I was able to get the door unlocked and open, I slammed the door shut behind me and made sure the lock was in place.


I watched as my mate fled the alleyway as the boys finished up with her brother. Once he was dead, they appeared behind me, "you're just going to let her go?" Dwayne asked. "She needs time to settle before I go claim her. She has been locked behind bars, so to speak, for her whole life. She is allowed to enjoy the moment of peace before I retrieve her and lock her away once again."

"You're not worried? Marko asked, "Of course I am, but we will be watching. Always watching."

I smirked as she disappeared from our eyesight, 'soon my love you will belong to me.'

Some of you guys have already read this chapter, I just edited this and what was chapter two and put them together, I want this book to be a lot better than before. I will be writing a NEW CHAPTER TWO! Give me feedback! VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. 

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