Prologue: A New Danger Approaches

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A/n: Guys, before this begins, PLEASE read the description because I will not hold back the gruesome details that await in this story. I hope you guys like this original idea and I can't wait to begin! Make sure to turn out the lights, play that spooky music, sit back, and enjoy the hell that awaits us, our Alpha, and our friends.... Good luck, my BakuSimps.... Now. Allow us to begin.

The sun soon went to rest, allowing the night to awaken and the moon to rise. All of UA were sound asleep in their dorms with their friends/significant others and waiting for morning to come to begin another day of training.

Well.... All but a certain couple of the notorious Class 1-A. 

"Teddy Bear.. Where are you taking me, already?" An ash-blonde male whined.

"Somewhere special!" You exclaimed. 

Yeah, it's special, alright...

Shut up, Vex.

Someone's worried.

Yeah, no sh*t.

"You know I don't like surprises..." The male pressured.

"Yes, yes, but this one is a uhh... a good one in our case, a bad one for anyone else..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, my Alpha."

"Hmph... Is damn Deku gonna be there?"

"Hell no. This is ours. I'm sick of being pushed around and protected. This is my chance to show what I got and a chance for you to just have fun."

"Hmm... What do you mean by that...?"

"Huh? Oh. Right... Uhm. We'll talk about it later, alright? We're almost there." The blonde furrowed his brows, but kept his mouth shut. As you neared the top of the hill, you could hear shouting and screams. "And here we are... Want a little Midnight Mission?" You put your hands on your hips, looking over everything.

"What?" The blonde stood beside you and his eyes widened when he saw some freak with a yellow happy mask on his face laughing while everyone around him was losing their minds and tackling each other. "The f*ck....?"

"You in?" You looked at him.

"Hah... This is gonna be crazy... How'd you find this?"

"Superior hearing, my explosive friend."


"You know what I mean." You smiled and kissed him before jumping off the hill towards the chaos and going into your wolf form, racing towards the maniac that awaited below. The blonde hesitated, but just as he started running after you, a few others ran up the hill and followed him.

The creep laughed maniacally as he let his quirk spread everywhere around him  within a two mile radius. You had to be careful not to breathe the toxin as you raced up to him and tackled him, pinning him to the ground and stopping his quirk momentarily. You growled and snarled in his face as he tilted his head, gazing— no... staring into your golden eyes.

"ASH, HIS QUIRK." The blonde shouted your nickname and ran up to you.

"KACCHAN, STOP!!" A green-haired, freckled boy followed him, about to shove him out of the way. You turned to see 'Kacchan' right behind you just before he grabbed you and threw your form away from the villain as he once again emitted the toxins. Another blonde with electricity crackling around him ran up to them, about to zap the villain, when he inhaled the toxin. 

"DAMMIT DUNCE FACE!!" 'Kacchan' shouted as the electric male passed out. His call forced him to also inhale the quirk and go unconscious. The villain laughed loudly and jumped onto the roof of a tall building.

"HAHAHAHAHAAA!! PUT ON A HAPPY FACE!!!" He continued laughing as he bounded away, leaving the young heroes-in-training to clean up his mess.

"KATSUKI!!"  You shouted as you ran up to him, now in your werewolf form rather than your wolf one. "No no no no no! Wake up, wake up! DAMMIT!!" You held him in your arms as you yelled and shouted curse words. You had no idea what that man's quirk was, and that made things worse. Katsuki and the other blonde could be dying right now and they would have no way of reversing it. The freckled boy and the others decided to stay and clean while you and a purple haired girl with earphone jacks attached to her earlobes took the blondes back to UA. You wouldn't leave his side for the rest of the night. Recovery Girl recommended leaving so she could properly examine Katsuki, but you refused to leave until he was awake and okay. You let her work, watching for any sign of him waking up, but you received nothing to the point where you passed out in the chair directly beside his bed after a few hours. When you awoke after hearing a soft groan and a low voice say your name, your heart picked up speed. But little did you know, he was hit with a powerful quirk.

One that would change the course of yours and anyone else's life for moons to come.

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