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"hey Quackity" says wilbur buttoning his shirt

"What the fuck do you want" says Quackity

"Nothing" says wilbur

"I just love to pick on you love" says wilbur giving Quackity a kiss on the cheek before leaving the dorm

-time SKIP-

Wilbur and Dream decided to go to the bar so they took Techno and they had some drinks.
While Karl and Sapnap watched movies together (so romantic)

"Do you know what George asked me today" says Dream taking a shot

"What " asked wilbur

"That his afraid of us breaking up like you and Quackity- No offense" says Dream

"Dang- did it go good or bad" asked wilbur

"Uh- i don't know- i saw George still sad" says Dream taking a nother Drink

"When are y'all gonna stop drinking" asked Techno

" Idk" says wilbur taking a nother Drink

"Techno we brought you here so if we got hIgH you would bring us hOmE" says Dream starting to get high

"Yeah- but you two have had at least 7 drinks Now-" says Techno

"And-?" Says wilbur clearly high

"And we have to go to the Dorms" says Techno

"HeHHEheEHE" says Dream falling off his chair

"wHaT tImE iS iT" asked wilbur

"8:49 PM" says Techno

"wOw" says Dream

"wE BeTtEr gEt GoInG" says wilbur leaving the place

"HeHHeHeEE am coming" says Dream
Following behind

"Where is Drweam at? It's 9:30"
"Where could he possibly be?"
"I hope his not mad at me"
Thought George

*Door opens*

"hEY, gEoRGie~" says dream coming inside

"DREAM- where were you?" Asked George worried

"Wait where you drinking?"

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