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Sonic wrapped his arms around Amy as she cried. "I-I can barely see anything! Sonic help me!" She cried. Sonic rocked her back and forth in his lap. "Don't worry Amy; Tails is going to fix you up. Come on, let's go." He told her and picked her up.
She clung to his chest and tried to stop crying. "'s okay Ames." Sonic whispered as he placed Amy down on Tails' deck. "S-Sonic? Don't leave me!" Amy called out as he let her go. "It's okay, Amy I'm right here." He told her. He banged hard on Tails' door. "Tails!! Wake up!!"
He had been trying to stay strong for Amy, but now he couldn't keep the few tears from running down his face. "TAILS!!! I swear to chaos if you don't open this door right now-" The door swung open to reveal a very annoyed Tails. "What do you want?" He yawned with a frown. Sonic pointed to Amy and Tails immediately knew what happened.
"Bring her inside" he instructed. Sonic picked up Amy and took her inside. "I knew this would happen!" Sonic growled under his breath. "Why didn't you two listen to me?!" He yelled at them. Amy pushed her face into his chest. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." She cried. Sonic kissed her forehead. He hadn't meant to make her cry. He was just so angry that this happened to her. 'If they had listened to me she'd be okay now!' He thought.

Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, Tails, and Sticks had just finished taking down one of Eggbutts creations. "Great job team!" Sonic smiled. As they all began to high five and walk away something horrible happened. "You think that can beat me?! I'm not finished yet! Orbot, Cubot, my weapon!" Eggman yelled at them. Eggman aimed a dart gun at Amy; knowing very well that what he was about to do would cripple Sonic more then her.
He shoot the dart and hit her in the back of the leg. "Eek!" Amy yelped and fell down in the sand. Sonic ran to her side and helped her up. He caught sight of the dart and slowly removed it. "Eggman! What's this?!" Sonic growled at him, but Eggman was already gone.
"You alright?" Sticks asked her while Sonic gritted his teeth and kicked the sand. "Yeah, I think I've got some sand in my eye. Everything's blurry." Amy explained as Sticks gave her a hug. Sonic walked over to her, still mad at what Eggman had done.
He gave her his hand and stood her up. Amy's legs were wobbly and she needed help to stand. So, Sonic picked her up as he slightly blushed. "You okay?" He asked her. Amy nodded. "I'm fine, I'm sure it was nothing."

~End Flashback~

1 week later

Tails hadn't been able to save Amy's eyes. She was completely blind now. Sonic cradled her in his lap on the beach. He was humming her a song and she was slowly drifting to sleep. He grinned and kissed her cheek. He laid against a tree and smiled as sunlight escaped through the leaves.

It had been a hard week for everyone. Amy had gotten used to bring blind by the second day. She could still fight the same and had learned to use her disability to her advantage. She could hear better and feel her enemies movement through her feet. She could disguise herself as an old lady and sneak into places using her hammer as a cane. The others seemed to accept her as normal again, but Sonic just couldn't help wanting to help her all the time.

He would clean her house and do these things for her. Sing to her, he would sing about anything she wanted him to. It was always about the colors or the sea. But today was different. She had asked him to sing about himself. Sonic had a big ego, mind you, but he couldn't sing about himself. He didn't know how to describe himself to her.




That's all he had, those three words that anyone could say about him. Except hero now...Sonic stopped calling himself a hero. How could a hero let this happen to his friend? Sonic thought about that word, friend. Was Amy really a friend to him? Would he do this for any of the others? Tails, maybe, but it still wouldn't be like this. This was different.

SonAmy Boom: blind loveWhere stories live. Discover now