Lucy pov

(19 right now)

"Is this all you have?". I asked the shopkeeper as I looked over the two books I held in my hands.

"I'm afraid so, Ma'am, this place is rather a famous place for witches and wizards, even mages". He said.

"Hmmm". I replied.

'It's a good thing I like to read'. I thought.

"How much for both?". I asked.

"For you, 12,000 jewels". He said.

(A/N: 200 Jewels equals 1$ USD)

'Not bad'. I thought.

"Alright, I'll take it". I said, he nodded as I took out the amount and paid him.

"Thank you for your purchase, please come again soon. I have another shipment in a month, so please return". He said.

"If it's not too much trouble for you, but, I was wondering if you could hold books and things related to stars and space?". I wondered.

"I can do that, miss, but only for 1 week can I hold them for you". He replied.

"Thank you, you are very kind, have a nice day". I said with a small bow, he returned the gesture as I left the shop with my purchase books in hand, I secretly placed a marking on it and the time so I could come back when the shipment came in. I then started to walk back to my hotel room. I couldn't afford to stay in my old one since Fairy Tail disbanded a year ago without even telling me, completely leaving me behind.

I'm more of a wandering Mage, or more like a witch now, or maybe both. People kept telling me to enroll in an academy to better hone my skills, but, then I'll have to swear an oath to the kingdom of my choosing which is what I don't want, it's kissing my freedom goodbye, I'm good.

'I have enough food to last me for another month, it's a good thing the landlady allowed me to keep some of my stuff, the infinite bag that Mira gifted me for my birthday came in handy'. I thought as I walked down the street with a smile, I put one of the books away and kept one out to read, the good thing about being a witch/mage is that I'm able to do things I wasn't able to do as a mage since I do celestial magic only.

It's quite fun to learn new things, I hit any type of shop there is whenever I travel to a new destination and mark it so I can return. I also took on little side missions for travelers so they could earn pocket money so I wasn't completely broke, I just started spending my money more wisely, and even my fashion changed after a year. all those missions earned me a reputation in the magic world, I go by 'Celeste' now.

I still had my Fairy Tail mark on my hand, so, it gave me hope that Fairy Tail would come back again, but now that I've adjusted to this lonely lifestyle, I don't think I'll go back, or back to Fiore at all. It's hard being on my own with no company, with no one to talk to but this is what I chose. I was still hurt that everyone had gone their ways and didn't bother to tell me if I was ok, I lost my father when Natsu left so I was even more hurt.

"Why am I thinking such sad thoughts? he wouldn't like it one bit". I said to myself as I slightly shook my head.

"I need a companion or something, I might be going crazy". I mumbled to myself.

'I can chat with you...'.

'Absolutely not! you're just finding an excuse so you can talk to the women here!'. I replied annoyedly.

'Wha-I, no I'm not! how can you think that about me, Lucy!'. Loke exclaimed I can tell I was getting stares by the locals here, my hair was golden blonde, with a white Ombre that is glowing under the sun was now to my butt but tied at the bottom like how Freed's style was, and my looks a little more sharper, even my eye color changed to bright gold, almost like a glowing hue, I ignored the stares and whispers and carried on my way.


"Back at last!". I said with a tired sigh, finally making it back to my room in one piece, Loke popped out with smoke.

"Do you have to keep traveling around like this? Take a break and rest a few days, they're not going to come out this far looking for you, Lucy". He said with his arms crossed, I took off my flats and walked in.

"I can't take any chances, Loke, besides, I'm getting close to finding Aquarius, I can feel it". I said with a smile, Loke looked outside and then back at me.

"It's getting late, at least wait till morning before you head out, we don't know what dangers lurk around here". He said.

"I guess a day won't hurt, I'm feeling the fatigue". I said, I left some clothes out for myself and put the rest away for tomorrow's journey.

"Go away, I'm going to take a bath". I said with a shoo motion.

"I'll check on you tomorrow, goodnight, Lucy". He said before he poofed away, I grabbed the things I needed before heading into the bathroom and put them in their places before turning on the bath. I used my magic and made the bottles float towards the bath, I put scented oils into the bath as it filled up, and I put them back with a flick of my wrist as I took off my clothes. I once again used my magic to put my dirty clothes into the hamper.

'Magic rules!'. I thought with a smile as I got in, I sighed as I sunk into the warm water.

"Plue!". I summoned, and he appeared in a puff of smoke, I caught him with a smile.

"Want to help me bathe?". I asked.

"Puu-pun!". He replied, I was able to understand him now thanks to a language spell, he could say puu-pun but my mind translated it into human language.

"Thanks a bunch, Plue!". I said happily, he then began to help me by washing my back as I washed my arms with a soft hum.

2 hours later

"What a relaxing bath, right, Plue?". I asked him as I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed with him in my arms.

"Puu-pun!". He replied, I flicked my wrist and closed the curtains, and lit up the candles.

"Now, let's see what I can learn from these books, one spell wouldn't hurt anyone". I said as I set him on the bed, I walked over to the book I left out.

"I can use the stars to gain more power, how cool, right?". I said as I opened the pages.

"The other is for star teleportation and search. Very advanced spells". I said, mostly to myself as I read the book.

"Let's see, let's teleport something easy here- chalk!". I said, I sensed something flying toward me but I easily caught it and knew what it was.

"Thanks, Plue!". I replied before drawing on the floor, the same as it was in the book.

"Aaaaand, done! Now, what should I teleport?". I said out loud, I looked at Plue for an answer.

"Puu-pun!". He said.

"Good answer!". I said with a thumbs up, I quickly put up a location blocker so wizards, witches, or mages couldn't find me when they felt my magic being used. I stepped on the spot I was supposed to be and hovered my hand over the marking, I took a breath. The marking began to glow and felt my hair levitate.

'Imagine the object, picture only that and nothing else, focus'. I thought, I imagine the object, every detail imaginable. It should only take a minute since it was a small and simple object, so, I took a small, slow breath, and let it out slowly, the wind dying out. I put my hand down before looking down, I smiled as I bent down picked it up, and showed it to Plue.

"It worked! The spell was a success!". I said.

"Puu-pun!". He cheered.

"I think it's time to head to sleep now, we have an early start tomorrow, I did say I was going to do one before bed". I said, I placed the lilac flower on the bedside table and then sat down, I placed a spell on Plue so he could stay with me for the night.

"There we are, time for bed". I said before I yawned.

"Puu-pun!". He said, I got under the covers and hugged Plue close to my chest, I closed my eyes and flicked my wrist again, blowing the candles out.

"Nighty night, Plue".


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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