Chapter 2 - The Arrival

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Fixed some stuff, along with the Na'vi sentence structure and meaning.




Lance, Hunk, and I peek around the corner in one of the dorm corridors.

"Lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now." We watch Mitch walk down the corridor away from us.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Hunk uttered.

"You heard Commander Iverson. We need to bond as a team." Lance states.

"He's right —" I begin to say, but Lance interrupts me.

"We're gonna grab Pidge, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls —" The lights go out.

"Okay, I'm just, I'm just saying this here, right now, on the record. This is a bad idea. Nira, keep a record that I said that." He looks at me.

I mock-salute. "Yes, sirree! - Mefo ayaymak lu tspang pxoet nìtam." I mutter in Na'vi to myself. So glad I spent years learning this language.

Lance speeds across the corridor to the next, and we scurry after him. "You know, for someone in a space exploration program, you don't have much of a sense of adventure." He crouches underneath the instructor's lounge window. I stop walking but stay standing.

Hunk crouches behind Lance. "All of your little adventures end up with me in the principal's office." I hum in agreement, then move to continue walking.

"Nira! What are you doing?" Hunk whispers, horrified before I step into view of the window.

"Walking? Like I usually do? Just crawl on the ground next to me and I'll alert you to anyone noticing us."

"Oh. Okay." He mutters, recalling I can go pretty much anywhere I want, even at night.

Lance crawls on his hands and knees outside of the line of the light, and I walk next to him. Hunk, giving in, follows us. "Oh, man."

Moments later, Hunk, Lance, and I hide in recycling bins, as a guard walks past.

"L-5 North all clear."

Once he passes, Lance and I leap out, and I turn around to help Hunk out of the bin while Lance walks off, proud of his ninja landing or whatever.

"Thanks, Nira." Hunk stands up.

"You're welcome." We walk towards Pidge's dorm, but before we can get there, the door opens, and Pidge sneaks out and runs down the corridor.

"Where is he going?" Lance asks, to no one in particular.

I roll my eyes and dash after Pidge. When we reach the roof of the base, we find Pidge right where I knew he'd be. He's wearing headphones and looking at lines of code on his computer screen. We walk up behind him.

"Don't scare him." I lean against a pole, watching the code over Pidge's shoulder.

Lance slips the headphone off of Pidge's right ear and asks "You come up here to rock out?" startling Pidge.

"I told you not to do that, Lance," I smirk when Pidge freaks out a little. "Hunk, get off the ground."

"Oh, Lance, Hunk, Nira. No, um, just looking at the stars." He looks at Lance sheepishly.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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