Author's Note/Meet the Author

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Oel ngati kameie, ma ayinanyu! Greetings, readers! I am the (primary) author of this fanfiction rewrite of Voltron: Legendary Defender. I am using the penname "Tìusunil Tirea" for privacy and safety reasons, instead of my real name.

I am a HUGE Voltron fan, and many of the characters are my comfort characters. But not all of them got the ending nor story they deserved. So, I'm gonna change that. I'm adding myself in, for good measure, and I'm giving the characters the narrative they should have gotten.

Please note, I only own Ianira, and my co-author owns Rikame (you'll meet her soon enough). The credit for all of the characters, and the main storyline should be given to Dreamworks Animation.

Also, if you read this, and you were expecting something different, this is a Voltron: Legendary Defenders fanfic. And if you are reading this story, please leave a comment and a like. I would love to know what you think of this fanfic.

Now, please be nice to me and any others. I am not a professional writer, though I do have skill in daydreaming. I do have ADHD and a strange fear of rejection. However, I can take most forms of critique, as long as they aren't just bashing my skills. If it's constructive criticism, I'll appreciate it far more than just pointing out the flaws, and berating me for it. If you see ways I can make my writing better, or you spot any plotholes, please let me know! I am always looking to grow and better my skills.

I recently began co-writing this with a friend of mine, Lemon, who I go to school with. She owns Rikame, and is helping me with writing my story. She is a great help, and will be featured in some of my author's notes as well. If you want to ask questions directed at her, she doesn't have an account here, but I can relay it, or just show her the message.

The first ~20 chapters are written mostly without Lemon on board, but after April of 2024, I added her to the project. You will see her in more of my stories, as having co-athors is kind of refreshing. If you are the main author, you may have to reign them in, but they add some spice to it. If you're stuck, get a friend on board who also likes the topic, and see if they can help!

I hope you have a wonderful day, and happy reading!!

- Tìusunil Tirea, 04/18/2024

P.S. We are both minors, though I am close to graduating high school. This is going to be mostly, if not 100%, PG13-15, or something like that. There will be cussing and probably some gore (if I can figure out where to put it and how to write it lol). But that's it.

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