•how he asked you out•

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•after you guys had won first place on your science project for the science fair

•he was obviously nervous as hell

•sweating the whole time

•he asked you on a date to the diner

•thought you reject him

•but you said yes

•was a little surprised


•after a big fight he had obviously won

•he asked you on a date to the drive-in

•he wasn't that nervous

•you guys watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre

•you guys cuddled a little while watching it


•after he beat his high score in pinball he asked you out

•asked you to come to come to his house and watch scary movies

•he was hella nervous but didn't show it

•was a little surprised you said yes


•asked you out after he won a big baseball game

•picked you up and swung you around and asked you out

•said yes obviously

•he was nervous and pretty scared

•once you said yes his whole world lit up


•he taught his dog how to give you roses

•when his dog came with a rose in his mouth you blushed and looked at Billy

•he was super nervous and sweaty

•you smiled and said yes

•you took the rose from his dog

•thought it was cutest thing ever

•he took you to the diner aswell


•after he had gotten hurt on his bike

•you were patching him up and he asked you out

•he was so nervous he couldn't look at you

•got really scared

•you said yes and that made his whole day

•you even kissed his cheek when you were done patching him up

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