chapter 3

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Ugh who the fuck is calling me this early

I grumble and halfheartedly pick up the phone



"Well knowing you, you probably asked who the hell called you this early and so I answered you"

"What?"I ask still light headed

"Never mind, heard you fired Lionel. what's that about?"

"Taylor it's 2 in the morning let's talk later "

"Nope -"

YES I hung up on my best friend+ insert narrowed eyes+ deal with it

I yawn and get up from the bed. I haven't slept that good in a while 'sigh'

My eyes widen when I glance at the clock.
It's already  two -thirty.


I just know it's Taylor again
what gave it away??
Maybe it's cause she already called me six more times
I didn't pick up of course but still

" What do you need Tay?"

"Get dressed we are going out tonight" she says

"Yeah........"I chuckle dryly "NO"

"Why not"
I can already imagine her pouting because of my refusal.

"Nothing, just don't want to"

"But.....I thought you'd do anything for me"

"When I said that, I meant if you killed someone, I'd help you hide the body"I let out" not going clubbing every Tuesday"

"Pretty please, I promise this will be the last time"

"We both know that's not true"

"Well yea but still please?"

I sigh
Why do I have a feeling I'll regret this?
I wear a blue dress that has a split around mid-thigh

I sigh"Okay"Why do I have a feeling I'll regret this?I wear a blue dress that has a split around mid-thigh

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I still can't believe I slept a whole day away.
Maybe Taylor is right.... maybe I do need to get my mind off things

Well obviously at this point I'm talking to myself,no?

But being completely dorky piece of pen......

Any thoughts?
Should I stop?

Let me know

I might need Ideas for a cast list tho

Love y'all buh byeeeeeeee...... for now

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