Love Reality: Lock, Shock and Barraged

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To say the Senior Saiki house-hold was a buzz was an understatement.

In the end he opted to putting his telepathy blocking ring on just to save his sanity from all the mental noise. And even the impending onslaught of questions about to bombard them, he was ready to up and teleport away from it all.

But he did promise his beautiful, blushing, radiant, glowing wife and mother to be that he would stick around and be ever most supportive of her. Last thing she needed right now was to be left to do this alone with his family.

However, they were both still recovering from being caught like two deers in headlights when his mother had used her key to Kusuo's room, thinking she had locked it herself, only to walk in on the two reliving memories in his old bed.

The scene played out still fresh in their minds.

Items destined for the storage cupboard fell to the floor and a scream was heard throughout the whole house which brought the attention of all the other occupants currently in the house at the time running to see what had happened.

Fearing the worst, Kusuo's grandfather had been first on scene having only been a couple rooms away down the hallway, came barging in armed with the newspaper he had been reading, rolled up like a baton. The rest of his family were there behind him shortly after.

"Intersting, can I attach electrodes? The data alone could be my big break."
"Son, I hope you use protection..."
"Ah, young love. Leave them be."

'Good grief....'

Awkward and embarrassed, Kokomi did her best to remain composed. After all it was just sheer bad luck that Kusuo's mother chose that moment to interrupt what should gave been an empty room anyway. So technically, their fault for arriving unanounced.... technically more Kusuo's fault for being too caught up in the moment to even notice his mother's approach.

Technically, her fault for the seduction in the first place knowing her husband would not be able to keep his hands off of her.

So she placed all the blame on hormones. Those darn raging, ravenous and insatiable hormones.

Not that Kusuo was complaining about that fact alone. He found it to be quite the perk and was more than happy to make the time for.

He was just fortunate for his ability to maintain stamina. Even after the 4th time in one night a few nights ago, left her utterly exhausted and tired the following day. And completely miffed at the fact that her husband still carried on the day without so much as a yawn.

But he still supported her in every way possible while she slept well into midday and again in the afternoon.

Tea and cake made everything better. The sugar hit giving her renewed energy and strength enough to manage a leisurely walk in the park before nightfall.

Kokomi blushed hard when her mother in law bought in the tray holding a freshly brewed pot of tea and cups and deserts and placed them on the coffee table in the centre of the room and began to pour.

Kusuo on the other hand, nonchalant as ever.

A clearing of the throat interrupted the sounds of the tea pour and clicks of cups and saucers.

"So... How are you both?" Kuniharu chimed in at last.

Kusuo and Kokomi both looked off to the sides in opposite direction, knowing full well that if they both looked at each other in acknowledgement of what they really wanted to say that the truth would come out pretty much straight away.

That's what they were hear for though wasn't it? To make the announcement of their pregnancy.

Kurumi took her tea and sat next to her husband with Big Ku adjacent and their grandmother on the other side. Kumagoro, meanwhile was sulking once again in the other room. Most likely mumbling his mental mantra of how miserable his life is being in the same breathing space as Kuniharu.

"Are they fighting?" His mother whispered to her husband.

"Oh! Really?" Kusuke whipped out one of his many laptops and started tapping away at the keys.... "Do tell..."

Kusuo only glared at him while Kokomi fidgeted a little her mouth opening and closing buy no words coming out. He sensed his wife's hesitation and dived in deep.

"Kokomi's pregnant."

The reaction that followed was as if a sound effects contraption had gone off all at once.

CLINK! SMASH! GASPS! STOMP STOMP STOMP SLAM! & and an all round onslaught of squeals, squeaks and hoot calls and a couple of booming WHAT'S.

The next few hours and several pots of tea and all the cakes and sweets consumed, Kokomi was finally glad to be in the guest bed this time alone and no longer the center of attention. Instead now it was Kusuo who was remaining behind in order to give her the peace and quite she rightly deserved and needed.

Sleep came within minuets of her head hitting the pillow and even after then all the reactions and seemingly endless questions bombarding them both. She could not help be hold hold her still rather flat middle and stroked lightly with her fingers.

And a small smile graced her lips as she succumbed to slumber. Her glow shined brighter than ever before.

Meanwhile, the little life inside her womb gave off a warm halo of light of its own.


AN: ok.... so I need to apologise for such lack of attention to this story. And how short this part is. A few things I need to make known. As most know when I last updated was when I had my baby boy. He is 8 months now buy in the early days I was an absolute wreck. As to be expected ofcourse. But then things went down hill for me. Mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. I was hit with PND. And was seeking counselling for that. Then my father was hit with some health problems I needed to address and then I myself... was hit with a shock diagnosis just after I finished breast feeding at 3 months post partum. I was diagnosed with stage 1 chronic Kidney disease or CKD for short. Plus high blood pressure. And I mean dangerously high. It was alot for me to process. So much so that I showed no interest in any of the things I enjoyed. I needed time to heal from shock. Coupled with being a fresh new parent and juggling 2 kids at the same time. One of which is ASD 2.... it was a full load on me.

My cup was way too full.

And just in the last 2 months I have suffered illness and my father went into hospital for emergency surgeries which required to me to go interstate with my 2 children while hubby remained behind to work.

Only now.... am I starting to find my self again. I am on a long haul road of reflection and recovery and it had been quite taxing.

But I am improving. And hope to update more frequently. As for 'he has no idea' I need to find my book I wrote the plot line in. If I can't find it I'll try and re write what I can remember from it and start it back up again. Hopefully before my maternity leave ends in October.

Anyways....I'm sorry for being a bad slack author-san 😓😩

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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