Your Game

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You see my smile everywhere I go,

But that is nothing more than a simple show.

I am dying inside, on a fiery ride,

With nothing more than sadness at tide.

You left me alone, stripped me right from the bone,

Because your heart is harder than stone.

Never will I recover, never will I heal,

Always wishing this was never real.

My heart is dead, laying in it's death bed,

And dead in that bed it will be.

You put it in your stupid little game and expected it to survive,

But that game, my life did it deprive.

Sadness, despair, lonelyness, lost beyond repair,

All fault of your game and completing your pair.

But stupid was I to welcome you here,

When all you ever give me is tear by tear.

Your game of hearts, and spears, and knives, and fears,

Killing all who play with you here.

Leading them along with your unbreakable leash,

Once you are hooked, you can never cease.

For your beauty, your personality, and your touch are magical,

But the results and the outcome are nothing but tragical.

You burn everyone with your armageddon flame,

Leaving everyone with feelings of loneliness and shame.

Well yesterday was my last day, I could not take the pain anymore,

The pain was destroying me from my very inner core.

Today you came to say you were sorry, but no one answered my door.

But the note on my door opened to you a sore, to others just a bore.

The reality of your games finally came through to your rock hard heart,

And to my suprise, my death started to tear you apart.

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