Start From There (Part :- 2)

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Their eyes grew up as when dad heard that.

Ayush :
Did you know that you were brought from an orphanage home ?

Dad :

As long as dad will say anything ,

Me :
If I have brought from orphanage, then you have been brought from the trash.

Ayush :
Brought me up in the trash ?

Me :
Yes. Because you are always talking like a waste.

While the war was in the beginning, the mother caught the ears of both of us.

Mom :
Both of you keep calm. Do not fight like children. Now you are young. Keep behavior of it now.
And if you do like this tomorrow, then I will punish you hardly.

Ayush :
What is tomorrow ?

Mom :

Ayush :
Sorry , sorry. I was forgotten. I remember what the day is tomorrow.

Me :
Really ! I thought you had forgotten.

Ayush :
The man never forget the bad occasion of his life

Me :

Mom :
Hey is enough now. Do not increase the dispute. Please. Riya, done your breakfast early.  You will be late for college.

On the same day
At night

Aryan's Pov.

After dinner I went to my room.  I saw Anita deeply in thought in the room.
The other care was clearly seen on her face. So I called her.

Me :

Anita :

I gave her a loud voice because she did not respond.

Me :

Anita :
Ha ? Yes what happened ?

Me :
What you mean what happened ? What are you thinking ?

Anita : nothing ?

Me :
Anita. Say what happened ?

Anita :
Did you see the children today?  How were they fighting?

Me :
Yes. I agree. But you saw Riya !  What a savage reply !  Cool ! But thank god you came. I scared for a movement.

Anita :
Yes. But what would happen if she knew the truth? Riya will  forgive us?

Me :
Don't know..........  But don't worry. Nothing will happen. You just pay attention to tomorrow. OK.

Anita :
Hmm....... Let's sleep now. It's too late.

Me :
Hmm...... Good night.

          ******* MORNING *******

Author's Pov.

Riya got ready and came down. The happiness of her face looked clearly. Aryan, Anita and Ayush was waiting for her.
Because today was Riya's birthday. After all the best wishes to her, she went to college.

******* AT COLLEGE *******

Riya's Pov.

I called someone as I came to the college gate.

??? :

Me :
Hi Tina ! How are you ! ?

Tina :
It's like the same ! And yes !  HAPPY

Me :
Thank you.

Tina :
Hmm..... Let's go to Canteen now. Our Group is there.

Me :
But class ?

Tina :
If you miss the class one day, nothing happens. Now let's go.


??? :
Ohhhh. See who we have come, our Birthday Girl !
By the way Happy Birthday.

??? :
Happy birthday Riya

??? :
Happy birthday Honey !

Me :
Thank you. Thank you so much. Jin ,
Sky and Lisa you too.

Jin :
But not just "thank you" we want party.

Me :
Ofcourse Yes. My house this evening. You all have to do. But now, ask all whatever you want to eat. I will make the cost of eating.

Lisa :
That's my girl ! Love you

Me :
Love you too.

Sky :
Ok. So let's order our food.

Tina :
a. But Jin don't eat too much. Otherwise you'll be fat.

Jin :
Mind your own business Tina.

Me :

Oky. Now don't start. Let's.....

??? :
Excuse me 

Me :
Yes ?

??? :
Are you Riya Roy ?

Me :
Yes I am.

??? :
This letter for you. 

Me :
For me ? But why ? and who give you this ?

??? :
Just read. If you want to know.

Me :

Letter :


Happy Birthday Riya.

Prepare yourself Riya. Because some unexpected will happen.

You will know, what you don't know.

See you soon.




English is not my first language. 

So sorry if there is any mistake.

 And if you like my story then comment and vote.

Thank you .

See you soon with  "next part. "


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