The Mikaelson's

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Elijah and I left and met up with his siblings. When we were all present, Rebekah and I started insulting Elena and Finn asked me "What has Elena done to make you hate her so much Lyra?" I replied with "She is the reason my parents are dead, she had my brother compelled on multiple occasions which got him killed. She has forced me to do whatever it is she wants. Elena also has no care for anyone who isn't her."

The Mikaelson's look at me shocked and just how much has happened to me." How are you still human love?" Klaus asked." I'm not. I am a Vampire, werewolf, witch and hunter. If you want specifics I am a hunter, vampire, werewolf, nature witch, traveller witch, a siphoner who is immortal and an original. I am like this because of Elena." I say.

I leave to help Jeremy at home but promise to keep in touch with them before leaving. Elena, Stefan and Damon try to follow me home but I lose them and since they couldn't locate me by tailing me I also made it so locator spells wouldn't work on me and Jeremy.

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