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"How's my little boy and my beautiful wife." Kyle asked, rubbing my baby bump.

I'm currently 7 months pregnant and we found out the gender last month. I'm having a boy.

And Sage has been here for me like he promised. Rubbing my feet when they're swollen. Massaging my back when it's killing me.

Sage has been reading a lot of baby books and magazines and we've been practicing my breathing exercises.

And Kyle is just being... Kyle.

"We're okay." I replied.

"You're so beautiful baby." He smiled. "Are you hungry, I could make something for you eat." He offered.

"No I'm okay, I'm not hungry yet." I replied.

I want Sage to cook for me not you.

"Okay sweetheart I'll see you later." He kissed my bump.


"Sage!" I yelled as he walked towards to give me a hug, placing a kiss in my forehead.

I like that.

I can't even get up from the sofa because I'm fucking tired.

"You're getting even more beautiful everyday Detka." He mumbled, smiling widely showing his dimples.

He knelt down whilst I was sitting on the sofa. He placed his hands on my stomach.

"How's my nephew." He rubbed my pump. He placed his head on my stomach.

"Hey buddy it's your uncle. I can't wait for you to arrive so we can spend time together. We're gonna go to soccer games together and we're gonna eat a lot junk food." Sage said his head still resting on my baby bump.

"Please stop giving your mama weird cravings because the things she eats are disgusting." He mumbled.

"Hey!" I said, slapping his hands and he just chuckled.

"Woah!" Sage exclaimed. "What is everything okay?" I asked as I felt my son kick.

"I felt a kick that's so cool. Do it again buddy but this time warn me because you kicked my nose."

He is so stupid and cute at the same time.

He kicked again causing Sage to smile. "Whoa you are so cool buddy. I can tell we're gonna be best friends." He smiled.

"What about Zen?" I asked. "We don't know who that man is isn't that right Kiddo?" Sage mumbled.

I met Zen two months ago. He's chilled and super funny. He always talks about his dad and Sage.

I like Sage.

"Sage?" I mumbled. "Da?" He replied.

I like it when he speaks Russian.

"My feet hurt." I mumbled."Okay Dekta let me go and get the lotion so I can rub your feet." He said, practically sprinting out of the living room.

He rubbed my feet for two hours while we watched Bleach Sage's favorite anime. We fell asleep on the couch.


"Sage." I heard Detka mumbling my name while she kept shaking me to wake me up.

I opened my eyes to meet her beautiful dark brown eyes.

God she's so beautiful

"Yes Detka?" I muttered still half asleep."I'm hungry please bring me some pickles and peanut butter." She pouted.

Say what?

"Dekta is that even nice?" I chuckled."It's not my fault your nephew wants it." She mumbled and she started to cry.

Shit why is she crying.

"I'm sorry Dekta, did do something wrong?" She nodded." Yes you were laughing just a second ago because I asked you to bring me pickles and peanut butter." She continued to cry.

"Okay I'm sorry baby, I'll bring you your pickles and peanut butter da?" She nodded her head in response.

Then she smiled.

Oh I forgot pregnancy hormones.

I remember last week we were watching Attack on titan. She cried because I said I don't think Eren is hot. She literally cried and she told me I look like the Cart Titan.


"Eren is so hot." Amaya mumbled as she rested her head on my shoulder, our bodies covered with a blanket.

"No he's not that hot." I replied and Amaya hit me at the back of hea.

"The fuck you mean Eren isn't hot." She scrunched her face."He's not that hot Dekta. " I chuckled and Amaya started to sniffle.

"Dekta what's wrong, why are you crying?" I asked worriedly and I placed my hand on her back.

"You said Eren isn't hot, take that back." She cried hitting me again.

What the actual fuck, that's why she's crying?

"Take it back Sage or I swear I'll never speak to you again." She crossed her arms.

"Okay fine," I sighed.

"Eren is the hottest character. I mumbled and she smiled pulling me in for a hug.

"That's better now let's carry on."


Which I ended up agreeing with her.

She's so cute.

"Dekta how many pickles do you want?!" I asked her loudly preparing her snack.

"Five, and please bring some ice cream and pineapple juice." She added. I walked into the living, placing the tray on the coffee table. I hand her the bowl of pickles and peanut butter.

I gag when she takes a bite, she raised her eyebrows and frowned."Did you just gag, like the last time?" She asked. I shook my head in denial, and she eyed me suspiciously and took another bite.

I gagged again and she hit my chest causing me chuckle.

"You did it again you liar, stop gagging this is actually nice!"

I love you all so much.🧡

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