Cooking Fair

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-As the sun rises up on the city of Megapolis,it was showing of a calm warm summer day. As the first week and a half of summer went by,with fun and strange adventures went by. Who knows what brings up next? Demons? Ghost? Well no no no. It's a little thing people have been waiting for. Pigsy has been waiting for.-

Mk was laying in his bed snoring as Mei was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Red son was asleep,hugging onto his pillow like as if it was someone. Bai he was peacefully fast asleep hugging onto her kittens cuddling them. Mei leaves the bathroom and stares at her friends sighing,it's almost time for them to go out! Mei was about to pull up a annoying alarm to wake them all up until the door slams open.

"GET UP KIDDOS!! ITS COOKING FAIR TIME AHAHA!!" Pigsy yells laughing in the entrance door. Mk shrieks waking up and falls off his bunk and Bai he wakes up screaming in fear from that surprising yells. Red son wakes up shocked and she lets they're hair light up on fire. "PIGSY WTF!?" He yells at the Pigsy demon who was holding three bags and smiling. "HAHAHAHA!! Sorry kiddos but cancel your plans! I need you for tonight!!" The pig demon says throwing at bags at Mei,Mk,and Red son.

"Awww I was excited to see the movies.." Bai he says softly with a sadness in voice. "I know kiddo I'm sorry but I promise to repay you! Plussss Macaque is going to be there! He's taking a break from working on the place y'all love in!" Pigsy says walking over to Bai he and giving her a hug to make her smile. "Pigsy- I thought I wasn't working?" Mk says pulling out the clothing in the bag. It was a chef outfit almost like Pigsy's but looking a bit different, just the way Mk would want it. Mei and Red son both look at the chef outfit and then at Pigsy.

"Ok well I need help with this cook fair that's happening today! I just needed another chef and to waiters,yes I said waiters." Pigsy explains, giving them all a smile. Mei and Red son look at their outfits,showing that they are the waiters. "But why can't Bai- oooh right- minor." Red son said trying to argue but realizes he was about to look dumb. Bai he giggles and Red son stick out her tongue at the little girl. "Get ready! Stop acting like children! That's Bai he job." Pigsy points at the fire demon and the other two as he walks out.

"Ahaha! I can't wait to cook with Pigsy!" Mk smiles while laughing in joy. "Your lucky! Me and Mei are waiters." Red son says huffing as he looks at his uniform. Bai he was all up and excited hugging Moon and Sun who were both half asleep. "You excited to hang out with your dad?" Mei questions the little girl chuckling. "Yea! Well, 2 dads heheh." she chuckles.

The others chuckling and laugh with her since Wukong is Bai he other parent/guardian or should we say Solar. Red son steals the bathroom in their room to change and Mei heads to the other bathroom. Bai he lowers her kittens down and goes to a mirror and holds her hair. Mk notices and walks over to her seeing what she is doing. "Are you trying to braid your hair?" He ask,looking down at Bai he from the mirror.

She doesn't say a word but she nods and lets her hair go. "Here,how about after we both get ready I'll braid it for you!" Mk smiles,patting on the girls shoulder. "Really? Thanks!" She smiles hugging into him. Both of them hug each other for a bit until Red son opens the bathroom door. "Mk! Wanna go next? Or do you want Bai he to go?" They ask as they are putting up their hair.

Mk offers Bai he the bathroom and she's rushes in fast. Both Mk and Red son look at each other in confusion and worried. Mei comes into the room yelling at Mk he can go,making the monkey jump. The dragon laughs and so does the bull demon, making Mk chuckle and pulls some hair off as a threat. They both stopped but they all giggled as Mk heads into the bathroom.

As they waited for a bit,Bai he walks out the bathroom with a new outfit Mei got for her. "Oh my gosh!! You look so cute!!" Mei says squealing as she hugs onto Bai he. The little girl giggles and thanks her for the outfit. Red son gave Bai he two thumbs up with her outfit. The little girl gave them thumbs up and picks up the kittens lifting their paws up.

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