*Bonus Chapter*

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Bonus Chapter.

( June 2015 )


"What you done did na'?"I squinted my eyes at ha'.

"Nooothinng,"She grabbed my hands,"just.."

"Jus' what?"I pulled ha' close so dat we was chest ta' chest.

She wrapped ha' arms round me,"I may or may not have volunteered us to watch Roman today."

"What?"I tried ta' pull away from ha' but she tightened ha' grip on me.

"Wait, wait, wait–"

"Nah bruh,"I frowned,"You knew today was our day."

"I know baby I know,"She stood on ha' toes ta' kiss me,"And I looked forward to it but Lola couldn't find a babysitter because her and Chris are going out tonight. Plus I am the godmother."

I turned my head so ha' kiss landed on my cheek,"But...I was gon' break ya' cervix tonight rememba'?"

I frowned while she jus' giggled."You can do it tomorrow big head. Today we have responsibilities and look at it on the bright side. Think of it as practice for the future."

And dat's whea' she knew she had me. Fa' some weird ass reason, I always get in a good mood when we talk about havin' kids; and I say it's weird because of da' simple fact dat I neva' really liked kids like dat let alone wantin' some of my own.

But I guess when you realize you wit' somebody you wanna spend da' rest of ya' life wit', all ya' old petty shit kinda change. You start ta' look at shit differently.

"I guess the silence means I win huh?"She smiled.

"Maaaan, whateva'."I let ha' go and walked off ta' ha' room.

"Aug! Aug!"

"He can't come ta' da' phone right na'! His wife playin' games!"I laid in da' bed.

"Can I at least leave a message after the beep?"She giggled.

"Yeah, aight!"I smirked and waited till it got quiet."Beep!"

"Um, hi Aug. I know you can't get to the phone right now but I would like to say that I love you and I'm sorry that we don't get to have fun tonight. I promise I'll make it up to you for two days straight. Do you forgive me?"

I pursed my lips,"Do I get ta' pull ya' hair since it's real?"

"I don't see why not!"

I smiled and picked up my phone ta' call ha'. It only rang once befo' she picked up.

"I gotcha message."I chuckled.

"You did?"I heard ha' go inna kitchen."So do you forgive me?"

"Of course. You know I'ca neva' stay mad at cha'."

"Aww, really?"

"Really. Na' getcha fine ass in hea'."

Still on da' phone she walked ta' ha' room. I smiled seein' ha' walkin' in wit' a bowl of cookies so we both hung up.

"Hello handsome."She smiled while climbing in da' bed.

"Hello beautiful."I allowed ha' ta' crawl next ta' me.

She grabbed da' remote and shut on da' TV while I jus' stared at ha'. I moved one of ha' legs ova' my waist and laid my head in da' crook of ha' neck.

"My big baby."She ran ha' hand through ma' hair."What are you gonna do about this hair?"

"Ion know. Let da' shit grow out mo'."I moved my hand ta' ha' ass and rubbed on it.

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