Chapter 1: Are you an Ent?

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Mei looked up at her new school and looked around, she was welcomed by the tranquil and naturally beautiful site of teenage dudes spitting on the sidewalk and scratching their bums.


She grimaced and continued walking into the building. As she walked the guy students around her began to whisper and stare.

"Isn't that..."

"I think it is... I mean they're wearing a skirt."

"And they have long hair..."

"It's gotta be."

"It's a GIRL"

"Will you two shut yer' traps it's like you've never seen a girl before"

"Knowing Cam, he probably hasn't."

"Have to! Just not.. up close.."


"Does she go to our school? It looks like our colored uniform?"


"But why would a girl go here, it's an all-boys school?"

"Maybe she's a crossdresser"

"Maybe.. kekeke too bad she's cute"

"you saying you're attracted to a dud-"

Before the goon could finish his sentence an irked Mei's fist came slamming down on his head.
"Will you two shut your transphobic asses up?! Yes, I'm a girl, and yes I go here. Got a problem?" She forced a threatening smile onto her face as the group of boys cowered and mumbled apologies, before running away.

"Goddamn cowards" she scoffed before continuing to her assigned class.

She stopped before her new class and read the sign.

'1-10, should be it'

She took a breath and walked inside, the teacher got the class's attention and began introducing their new student.

"Our class has been chosen for the honor of welcoming our new student, who by now you have noticed is in fact, a girl. Eunjang is making efforts to become a Co-ed school, and she is our first transfer. Please welcome her kindly and hopefully as the year goes by we may get some more female transfers. Miss Shisui you may introduce yourself."

'Tsk, this was the board's bright idea to lower the violent reputation of our school? A girl? Please she won't last a week.'

Mei looked at the class before giving her fakest warm smile, "My name is Mei Shisui, I look forward to getting to know all of you." She let a threatening tone seep into her last words, "Please take care of me..." 'Or I'll take care of you' was the silent finish to her sentenced.

Most of the class shivered and understood her message, the teacher oblivious to the silent threat. A couple of students however felt more intrigued than scared.

"You can take your seat at the back of the class next to Mr. Jin with the suspicious unnaturally green hair." The teacher said.

Mei began walking towards the indicated seat and made the best eye contact you can make with someone whose eyes are completely covered by their hair.

The pair eyed each other as she sat, trying to get a hold of some kind of idea of the other. But before any introductions could be made the teacher began his lecture.


'Fuck, that was boring'

She thought as she stretched her arms. Couldn't have been more than two hours but it felt like an eternity to her. She turned to her seatmate to try and begin a conversation but he was already standing up and heading for the door.

She watched him a little disappointed, she was hoping she could at least befriend her seatmate, but I guess all men are indeed the same. Too bad.

She was struck out of her thoughts by a voice.

"Oi, you coming new girl?" Her seatmate was standing by the door and turned toward her waiting. And damn he was tall.

She hopped out of her seat smiling "hell yeah I am". And met him at the door and they started walking to... she didn't actually know where.

"So uh, heh, where are we going exactly?" She asked a little embarrassed.

He laughed, "You jumped up so fast to join me and you didn't even think to ask where I was headed before you came, did you? You're an interesting one all right and I thought I'd show you around."

"Oh great! And in my defense, I was bored out of my mind in that damned cramped classroom, any way out seemed better than staying there. Plus," She shivered "Men are scary ya know."

He laughed again, "Not those dumbasses, most of them are fakes or annoying loudmouths anyway. The only real threats are in different classes."

"Maybe, but doesn't change the vulture-y look in their eyes when they saw me enter the class, it's really like they've never seen a girl before."

"Eh, you're not wrong there." He looked at the girl before smirking, "But who's to say I didn't call you out to get you alone"

The girl looks back up at him with a scared expression. He starts laughing and she punches him in the shoulder, er well elbow (the height difference was comical, and Mei isn't that short). "Not funny," she says though she's laughing herself, "come to think of it though I don't even know your first name."

"It's Gerard, Gerard Jin." He says.

She eyes him, before bluntly asking, "You're pretty damn tall, and your hair... Are you an Ent?" *Ents are the walking, talking trees from Lord of the Rings*

He looks at her, eyes wide, before he doubles over holding his stomach trying to keep his laughter in. "Did you just- pfft... buahahaha" He couldn't hold it in and just started cackling. She joined him laughing a little quieter.

He straightened up, "You're pretty funny, you know that?"

"One of my many charms." She teased stretching her arms out in front of her and cracking her knuckles.

The two continued walking as he showed her around the school.



Hey guys!

This is my first published story on here so please bare with me! I'm open to suggestions, comments, questions, and constructive criticisms(just please be nice with it).

Also, I'm probably gonna change the name and cover so if you have any book name ideas, lemme know!

This is a fairly short chapter just to get some things introduced, you'll meet the rest of Big Ben's crew in the next chapter. As well as possibly see Mei fight, not sure if that'll be the next chapter or the chapter after but you get the idea.

I also purposely left the idea of adding more girl transfers in later open end, so if you want I can totally write some girl transfer students in or can keep the boys to herself for now at least just let me know what you think.

Also, Gerard is my personal bias out of all the boys, and he's the only one still alone in his class so I put her in his class lol.

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