Chapter 10: War

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Mei ran across the street toward the small group, her mind racing. She wanted to kill him to take 584
him right there in the streets and humiliate him, but she couldn't put Gerard and Alex in that kind of danger. She couldn't wrap them up in her own fight.

'Later... the time will come and I swear...'

The boys watched terrified, Gerard started to follow her but Alex grabbed him and shook his head.

Mei stood in front of Donald, staring him in the eyes.

'I'll kill you'

He smirked up at her, he opened his mouth to say something but before he could...

"Fuck you!" She yelled, kicked his bike as hard as she could causing it to fall over, and bolted as fast as she could grabbing the two boys by the hands and taking them with her. "RUN!!" She screamed and the two didn't hesitate to do as she said.


Gerard was just laughing, "You... are insane," he said between breaths and laughter.

"I know," Mei said laughing.

The group turned a corner and ducked inside the convenience store. The three stopped and breathed heavily before they looked at each other and busted out laughing.

GoGo was doubled over, "I cannot believe you just did that. You are so fucking dumb." But they couldn't take him seriously with the smile on his face.

They calmed down, "we're screwed you know that right?" Gerard said.

"Probably" Mei smiled.

Gogo shook his head but couldn't help blushing, 'she's the only person to ever do something like that'

"Is the tteokbokki ok?" Mei asked.

GoGo checked and nodded, "yeah, just a bit jostled."

"whew that's good at least"

"You think they're gone?" Gerard asked.

"Do we know if they were ever following us?" Alex returned.

"Let's just go outside and check real quick," Mei suggested.

She started to walk towards the door when Alex stopped her, "If they are out there, they're less likely to recognize me."

Mei nodded and Alex walked out the door and took a nonchalant look around before giving them a hand signal to follow. And they walked back to the pool hall.

"Ayy there you are- what took you so long dummies?" Big Ben asked as they walked in. But he quickly noticed their ruffled clothes and tossed tteokbokki. "Huh? What happened to yall it looks like you guys ran a 5k?"

Mei chuckled and set down the tteokbokki, "Eh, it wasn't a full 5k." The three boys looked at her confused.

"On the other side of the intersection, we saw Donald Na." Alex's words made Ben and Eugene go stiff. Gray on the other hand didn't understand what that meant.

Big Ben picked up on it, "He's the head... of the union."

Gray, Ben, and Eugene stayed silent for a second processing.

"Mei kicked his bike over and told him to fuck off," Gerard said which properly brought the boys out of one shock and into another.

Big Ben rushed to Mei and started checking her for wounds and then promptly checked her temperature, "DO YOU HAVE BRAIN DAMAGE?" He yelled, his actions were joking, but his tone was serious and worried.

Sign of the Times [Weak Hero x OC]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя