Dare 12 - Mangle1017

85 1 10

Still at Hogwarts

Me: *pulls foxy aside and freezes time*

Foxy: What lad? And HOW DID YE DO THAT?

Me: Magical powers. Oh and remember Mangle1017?


Me: Dont worry, she just was excited to meet you all

Foxy: Alright, but if the lass goes crazy, im outta here

Me: Ok so you and her have to play Call Of Duty with her

Foxy: Great...more guns...

A portal open later

Me: Ok, begin!

Foxy and Mangle1017: *playing COD until hearts content*

A few days later

Me: you guys can stop

Foxy and Mangle1017: Never!

Me: *Unplugs game* Thats enough

Foxy: Why?!?! *falls down sleeping*

Mangle1017: Jeez, has he never had a gaming marathon before?

(A/N - Im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating. I have just been super busy and i will try to update more)

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