Chapter 1

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!Warning! : Shinkami in this chapter


Bakugo's POV

Almost two weaks. When are you gonna wake up, Eiji...

?Random Timeskip?

I woke up in the hospital room,with my head and arms resting on Kirishima's bed. I must've fell asleep yesterday. I looked at my phone. It was around 8 AM. I didn't even felt like going home. I just wanted to stay with Eiji. So I just layed back down, looking at my poor unconscious boyfriend, who was really badly injured in a battle. Unfortunately, I still don't know what exactly happened to him when we were cut off by a smoke, that I couldn't see through.

Four hours later

Somebody knocked on the door, and came in. I looked who it was, and the person closing the door was Pink Cheeks. She came up to me with a box in her hands and said : "Deku went there yesterday and told me that you fell asleep in here, so I bough some Sushi if you're hungry." she put the boxes on the small table next to the chair I was sitting on. "Thanks... I guess" I said.

She came closer to the bed. "How is he? Did he already moved at least a little?" I put my head back on the bed into my arm. "No, he didn't, but the heart beat is still stable." I said. She looked down. "Oh, okay."

She stayed for a bit longer and after an hour she left. I ate the Sushi that she brang me. Then, I turned back to Eijiro. I stretched my arm to play with his hair, but quickly backed down. I know he hates when someone is touching his hair, so I won't do it even when he's not sane. I kissed his hand, and then held it. I put my head on the bed. My eyes started to close, and I fell asleep.


Shinso's POV

(There's Shinkami in this part so if you don't like the ship you don't have to read this)

Denki wasn't feeling really well since the incident. It was like if all life had disappeared from him. He wasn't even playing video games or scrolling at his phone. He was just sitting on the couch and staring at the turned off TV. Of course he ate something, but... not that much. I tried to cheer him up countless times, but nothing worked. Even his friends were here, but he kept being like this.

I was washing the dishes, when suddenly my phone rang. I looked who it was. The screen said : ' Incoming Call - Pinky👽💓 '. I picked up.

I put the phone to my ear, and I said : "Hey Mina. You need something?" "Well... Y-yeah but no. I just wanted to ask... how's Denki?" the girly voice replied. I wasn't surprised. She was Denki's closest friend after Kirishima. "He's doing... well... kinda still the same. I'm... really worried about him to be honest." I said. "O-oh... I totally get that. And Im sorry to hear that Denks is still... you know..." "Yeah..." "Uhm.. T-thank you anyways. I-I gotta go." "Oh! Yeah yeah, sure. And Mina?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for... calling." "Sure sweetie, n-no prob!" Then she hung up. I put my phone down on the kitchen table and headed to the living room.

I looked at Denki. He was pale, with even bigger black bags than I have. It was heartbreaking seeing him like this. I sat on the couch, by Denki's right side, and turned on the TV. The news popped up right away.


"- said the Karate Competition winner : Takeshi Kosuke (A/N : Random name).
And now for the news we're all waiting for. The question is : 'How is Pro Hero #6, Red Riot doing?' We all know that he got injured in a battle against unknown robbers in the KITTE Marunouchi - Japanese shopping mall in Tokyo. The leader of the robbers is still on the run, but the police and Pro Heroes are searching for him, not only because he's a robber, but because his Quirk is claimed to be really dangerous. His Quirk is apparently called 'Anti-quirk smoke'. He can produce smoke, which when you inhale, hurts you whenever you activate your Quirk. Unfortunately, we haven't got any more details about it. He looks like this *insert photo on the screen*. If you see him, or have any information about him, please, report to the police. For the Red Riot's state : the doctors say that he might survive, but there's still a chance that he could not make it. After all, the injuries were really bad. The doctors also claim that h-"

I turned off the TV, as I heard sobs from my left side. It was nobody else than Denki. He was sitting there, hugging his legs with his head down, and probably crying. I quickly leaned to him and embraced him in a hug. He was trembling and crying.

"It's okay, Sparks. It's okay. What happened?" I asked, while hugging him. He lifted his head and started to wipe his tears, that just came flowing again and again, while still sobbing and trying to speak. "I-I do-don't want K-Kiri-shima t-to d-die. I-I'm sca-scared, T-Toshi. I d-don't w-want to l-loose h-him. I'm s-so s-sca-scared." Then he broke down to tears. I picked him up and put him into my lap. He squeezed my shirt and cried into my chest, while I hugged him tight. "Don't worry, nobody's going to die. He'll be all right. He has Bakugo, you, and all his other friends. I'm sure he'll try his best to come back to us alive, as well as the ones taking care of him in the hospital." I softly said to him.

I started stroking his back. It was heartbreaking to see my boyfriend like this, so I was trying my best to calm the poor, trembling and crying boy in my lap down. "It's okay, it's okay. It'll be okay Sparks. Don't worry. It's okay." I whispered to him again and again and again, trying to calm him down. It didn't look like it was helping tho.

Kaminari's POV

I'm scared. I'm scared. What if hell die. I'm scared that he would die. I don't want him to die. No. No, no, no, no, no. He can't die. I'm scared. I wouldn't take it. I'm so scared. I'm scared. I cried and cried, with these words still on my mind. I just couldn't stop crying. I was exhausted. I don't know what to do. If he'll die I.... I didn't wanted to think of that. What would happened if Kiri... I just couldn't.

As I cried, I felt my body getting weaker, and weaker. I was feeling so tired. Not a big surprise when I didn't slept for last three days. I'm... so... tired. I felt my body give up. It was really comfortable in Shinso's arms. His body heat, his big, strong arms hugging me, and his soft whispering. That didn't change. That and the fact that he's a very sleepy cat lover. I was still conscious for a few seconds, and then I passed out.

Shinso's POV

Denki released his grip on my shirt. He also stopped crying and he was trembling a bit less than before. I looked at him, and the last tears running down his face. I wiped them out with a paper tissue. He was still curled up in my lap, weakly holding onto my shirt. He probably passed out. I knew it was gonna happen anyway. He wasn't sleeping for like... three last days and he cried really much right now so no surprise that his body was so weak. Poor thing...

I took him into my arms, picked him up and made my way into the bedroom. There, I put him on the bed and covered him with his cover. I layed next to him. He might get a little sick from all the crying and lack of sleep. I stroked his hair for a while. So soft... I thought and blushed a little. I put my hand on his forehead. It was starting to get hot. I sighted and hugged him. Then I slowly fell asleep.

Author's notes

(word count : 1347) I can't believe I finally finished this part 😪. If you don't like Shinkami, please don't hate 🙏. I really trieeeeedd but it still looks like sh*t. So anyways thanks to all the people that read this and wait for the next chapter that should be published today or early tomorrow ^.^.

Bye-bye ฅ^•ω•^ฅ

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