lel, Azrail is doing illegal stuffs

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I had heard the soft morse tapping on the roof when the Councilours began interrogating the princess. Of course it was Rue. Who else knows morse code. I got up, gave a little show for the audience, and tapped my foot to signal detonation.

The ceiling broke apart, and Darius fell on his face. 

"Took you long enough!" I said with a laugh. 

"Ugghhhh... put on your mask." 

With a sigh, I pulled up my gas mask that unfolds from any neverseen mask. I snapped it on, and Darius smashed the smoke/sleeping gas bomb on the ground. The smoke filled the air, and Rue and Augie climbed down in masks. 

"Az!" said Rue, probably beaming.

"Hey  Captian!" said Augie.

The smoke quickly disparated,  leaving the council and others on the ground, snoring. 

"So Fintan said to kidnap Councilour Emery." said Darius, staring at the bodies on the ground (lol that sounds wrong)

"Ok, I guess thats what were doing then!"

Rue drugged the curly haired elf, and Augie disposed of trackers, while me and Darius searched the others. We found 6 imparters, 13 pathfinders, and a few random leaping crystals. We bagged them all and tied up Emery. 

"Awww, child's first kidnapping!" said Fintan when we got back. 

I think this guy is unstable. 

"So... where do we put him?"

"Ehh, he's going to interrogation. When they're done with him, I'll have him sent to your hideout. What are you calling it by the way?"

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