Making Up

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Summary: Takes place months after The Falling Out. Striker makes amends to his pregnant wife, Kore and things happen.

Making Up

Striker sighed, rubbing his temples. As he did, he rolled over on the hard, straw-like haystack in the barn. It wasn't comfortable as some of the straw felt like they were poking him like needles and some got stuck in his hair. The only good thing about it was that Bombproof, his trusted steed lying next to him like a dog would to its owner.

It had been months since he'd last seen his wife, Kore. By the look on Striker's situation...he was in a wreck.

As far as he knew, he'd never see the child he'd scorned for his looks again and Samantha, his ex-friend he hurt and betrayed. Maybe they were better off without him.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He picked it up to see a text message from Kore.

Striker swiped the message on the phone before it became clear to his face.

It read: Striker, my parents have been helping me prepare for the baby. They're also taking me to the ultrasound tonight and you can come if you'd like.

This was what he least expected to see in the months she'd been away from him.

Bombproof sputtered.

"What do you think, boy?" Striker asked his horse. "Should we check to see how she and her parents are doing?"

Bombproof nodded.

"I thought so."

Striker put his phone in his chest, put a saddle on his horse, got on him, and used his tail to hit his horse's flank, making him sprint off to see his wife...



The sound of a door knocking alerted Kore and her parents, Marigold and Gavin.

Kore got off the couch. "I got it!" she said.

"Are you sure, honey?" Marigold asked, "In your condition?"

"I'm fine, Mom. You helped me settle in this house and now I think it's time I returned the favor." She went to answer the door, but she winced at the pain in her stomach and thighs. "Who is it?"

"Kore, it's me," the person at the door answered.

Kore growled, familiar with the voice. "Oh, it's you." Oh, fuck, it's him, she thought. Rolling her eyes, she added reluctantly, "Come in."

The person who walked inside the house was none other than...

"Striker?" Marigold and Gavin gasped.

"Yeah," Striker said, rubbing the back of his head. "I just wanted to see how Kore was doing."

Marigold and Gavin just glared at him, knowing he treated their daughter badly months ago.

Kore put her hands on her hips, also not forgetting his cruelty towards her. "And why would you care how I'm doing when you never wanted a child? If you can't deal with the fact that I'm having this baby, then just get out!" She started to walk away from her husband.

"Wait, Kore! About what I said, I'm sorry! I was just jealous that you were giving our unborn child the attention and I had no excuse. Now, I actually think that maybe having this child together wouldn't be so bad."

Kore scoffed. "Oh and you expect me to believe that after what you put me through? What you put Samantha through? What you put the hellhound child through? As far as I know, he could be traumatized because of you! Samantha would probably never forgive you! Oh, and in answer to your question, I've been doing just fine and no thanks to you. I'll make sure my child will do just fine without you, too. Nothing you did or said can be fixed with your apology." She began to regret sending him a text message to see if he'd come over.

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