4. TheOwlHouseFan123

15 1 2


So like-
I can see a kind of outgoing personality in you (compliment). Your friend being friends with you, I can totally see why.

I mean, you seem like someone anyone could talk to when their life is falling apart. Your profile isn't just humourous (and even if it was, that's cool too), it's really telling people they're amazing just the way they are.

That's what I like about you. I think you're overall just a person to go to, and you seem like one of those "Lemme not rest until I talk this person out of ___."

So yea.
I dunno what else to write.
My two main points are basically you seeming outgoing and kind.

That just sums it up.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know you much, but I tried.

Hope it helps boost your confidence.

Yours Sincerely,
(I really don't care if I spelled my own username wrong)

(I really don't care if I spelled my own username wrong)

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