Chapter 14 - Wonderful Wendy

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Freya slept well that night, but Wendy did not. Then again, Freya didn’t have a choice in the matter. When the sun’s morning rays struck the inside of the divot where the girls were hiding Wendy raised herself a little to peer outside. It was a beautiful day; she could see fields stretching out as far as her eyes could see. She saw a couple of cottages down the road someway and further in the distance she could see a cluster of buildings, a town.

The good news was that they hadn’t been caught. The bad news was that they were starving to death and their new companion Robby had abandoned them in their hour of need. What a flipping jerk, Wendy thought. He used us to get free and then saved only himself. What a coward. Freya was right.

Just then the baby hawk chirped up at Wendy.

‘Hello pretty thing,’ she whispered. ‘Not too loud, she needs her rest.’

She smiled at the baby hawk and then carried her gaze down to Freya. She looked so peaceful, happy even. I wonder the last time she was happy? She stroked her hair and planted a kiss on the side of her head.

‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘For looking after me.’

The baby hawk kept chirping. Wendy stared at it with worry.

‘Hmm, you’re just as hungry as us I bet.’ She paused. ‘And your mama isn’t around to teach you how to hunt…’ Wendy glanced back at Freya for a moment and frowned. After a moment she looked back at the bird and nodded.

‘We have to go find some food.’

The bird chirped.

‘But what if those women are still out there? We can’t just waltz out there and just hope to be okay. I need to think of something. Damn I wish Freya was awake, she’s really good at this.’

After about five minutes she still had nothing, but when hand rubbed up against the Quartz in her pocket something struck her. She pulled it out of her pocket, the small piece of Quartz and turned it over.

‘Maybe if I break it in half…’ She scratched her head. ‘No, I might just break it altogether.’

Wendy cast her eyes on the ground. She searched and searched and eventually she found what she was looking for, a little piece of Quartz. She grinned back at the bird.

‘Now, let’s see…’ Wendy placed the new found piece of Quartz in front of the bird and then sat back, clasping the original Quartz stone.

‘I hope this works,’ she said and then closed her eyes. She focused really hard and after a few attempts she managed to hone in on the correct stone. When she had tapped into it she could see crystal clear vision of the baby hawk in front of the stone.

‘Awesome!’ she said enthusiastically. She instantly cringed as she thought she was being too loud. When she had confirmed that Freya was still fast asleep she turned back to the bird.

‘Now. What are the chances that you know how to hold something?’

She leaned forward and touched the bird’s talon but it pulled it away quickly and squawked a little. Wendy frowned.

‘I’m sorry pretty little thing.’ Wendy looked away and frowned. ‘Damn it.’

Wendy sat for a while and contemplated her options. She felt very weak now and her stomach was rumbling constantly. A frequent reminded of her need to find a solution to the situation.

‘Think, think, think,’ she said to herself angrily. She picked up the Quartz and turned it over. She inspected every inch of it. She noticed that there were a few grooves in it. Like a little ravines. Maybe she could tie something to it and sling it around the bird’s neck? She found a loose thread in her shirt and then yanked it out. She wrapped it around the Quartz several times and then tied it the best she could. She fashioned a necklace out of it and very gently placed it around the little bird’s neck. It didn’t seem displeased.

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