♤ cant sleep

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After (hopefully) killing Vecna, the party had emerged from the Upside Down broken in more ways than one. Those who weren't scarred physically were had their own problems emotionally, and the next few months were hard.

Eddie had it especially bad. Having almost died for the first time, he was a stranger to the nightmares that plagued the rest of the party frequently, and was prone to waking in the middle of the night after images of Chrissy contorting at odd angles flooded his head. Whenever Dustin passed Eddie in the halls, he would comment on how Eddie looked like "a total vampire".

One night, in late May, Steve was awoken in the middle of the night by the doorbell ringing. He groaned and rolled over, figuring it was just some kids playing a prank, but the person at the door persisted and finally Steve dragged himself out of bed to see who it was. He trudged down the stairs, ready to tell off some kids for being nuisances.

"Scram," he muttered as he opened the door. "Go back home." He didn't see who was standing there until after he'd muttered out his demands, and only when he caught sight of familiar, black hair retreating from his house did he understand who it was. "Fuck- Eddie? Shit, man, I didn't know it was you."

Eddie turned around, shaking his head and yawning. He looked like shit. There were huge bags under his eyes, and his hair was a mess. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, which, given the circumstances was probably true. "Nah, don't worry about it, big boy. I shouldn't have woken you up. I'm sorry."

"Wha- just wait a second!" Steve was more awake now, and he started after Eddie. "Don't go. What did you need?"

"I just..." Eddie sighed and rubbed his face. "I just thought I might be able to sleep if I was with someone? And you were the first logical choice, so I-"

Deep down, though he would never admit it, Steve's heart jumped a bit at the possibility of sharing a bed with Eddie, and he quickly nodded. "Yeah, sure, man. Come on in." He ushered the metalhead into his house, closing the door and leaning against it. "You take my bed. I'll take the couch, 'kay?"

Eddie started to protest, but yawned again and nodded. "Thanks, Steve." He smiled weakly and trudged up the stairs, the sound of creaking floorboards letting Steve know he'd found the bed alright. 

He sighed and got comfortable on the couch, closing his eyes again...

...only to reopen them an hour later. Eddie had gently nudged his shoulder, standing over the couch and looking like a child approaching their parent in the middle of the night. "Can you sleep with me?" he asked quietly.

Steve nodded, standing up and bringing Eddie back to his bed. No words were exchanged between the two as Steve held the blankets back for Eddie, getting in after him and holding him close, but he could sense the immense relief and gratitude radiating off of Eddie. Within moments, the boy was asleep, snoring softly in Steve's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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