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James and Regulus were in the gym at the crack of dawn for workout day with the team. James was working on his bench press while Regulus halfheartedly spotted him. James, used to morning workouts, was enthusiastic, hoping that the day before had been a fluke. Regulus, obviously much less of a morning person, could not match his energy.

"Three more reps before we switch! Come on, everyone, train like your lives depend on it!" Coach Rolanda encouraged. "And Mr. Black, please properly spot your teammate. You're risking an injury." Regulus went through the motions, trying to appear compliant.

"It doesn't look like you need much spotting," Regulus muttered as soon as Coach Rolanda turned around. James lowered the barbell and gave Regulus a wink.

"Who knows when I'll drop it, though? This thing could put a dent in my pretty face." Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Just lift, Potter. You're pushing it," Regulus grumbled.

"Isn't that what we're here for? Pushing our limits? Get into the spirit!" James said.

"You're pushing my limit for social interaction before six in the morning." James put his barbell down, letting Regulus get into position. He slid his hands underneath Regulus' upper arms, in position to spot, doing it properly, which seemed to make Regulus even less agreeable.

"What's the matter, Potter? Don't want to crush my pretty face?" Regulus actually winked when he said it, mocking James.

"I don't think I'm all that interested in your face," James said flatly.

"Are you actually immune to the Black family beauty?" Regulus asked, voice slightly strained as he lifted his barbell.

"I see the Black family beauty all the time. The effect wears off at some point, especially when your best friend shaves your head in your sleep and then gives you puppy eyes until you forgive them." Regulus huffed.

"Sirius might have the looks, but they never had the family charm."

James laughed. "Oh, they had the charm all right. They only used it when they wanted something, though, and they knew they didn't need to use it on me."
Regulus raised an eyebrow. "They've got you wrapped around their little finger, don't they?"

"They have not!" James replied incredulously.

"Sirius has a talent for that," Regulus commented. "Pity they couldn't use it for something useful." He didn't elaborate, and James didn't push. During the next set, Regulus put his headphones in. James glanced at his screen.

"Oi, Tumblr called, they want their Cavetown playlist back."

Regulus groaned. "Piss off. I've only got 'Devil Town' in this playlist. It's not a yee-haw Taylor Swift kind of day."

James scoffed. "It's always a Taylor Swift kind of day, even if it's not her yee-haw era." He studied Regulus for a few seconds, the sarcastic side-eye he was giving James from under a sweaty mop of curly hair. "Maybe you're more of a Reputation fan? Or maybe you're just a great big ball of angst who loves the Folklore love triangle?"

Regulus shook his head. "There's only so many times Sirius can burst through my door blasting Fearless before I buy noise-cancelling headphones."

"Okay, so you've heard the album Sirius knows by heart. That's a start. She's got more range than that, though." Regulus only rolled his eyes. "Listen, there are two types of people in the world: Swifties and those who have yet to be converted."

"I cannot believe that we're two grown men arguing about Taylor Swift." Regulus put his headphones back on and turned up the volume.

James took another glance at his screen. "All right, enjoy Lana Del Rey." Sensing that the conversation was over, he put his own headphones in, tuning out the world with his nostalgic playlist, an homage to his and Sirius' first years as teammates. He let the memories of (unsuccessful) MKTO serenades overtake him as he finished his workout.

Smooth SailingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora