strange occurences ft. my dog

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ok so.

i have a five month old anatolian shepherd mix named Nora.

anatolian shepherds were originally bred to protect livestock; therefore, she has a natural guardian instinct i guess.

she doesn't bark much. she's relatively quiet.

maybe like 1-2 months ago, something kinda weird happened. i hadn't had her for very long at that point; she was probably around 4 months old at that point. keep in mind she's nearly 6 months now

we were in the kitchen and she was just eating her food when all of a sudden she started backing up, her eyes locked onto one spot. her hackles went up and she started barking like crazy and wouldn't stop.

it freaked me out so i went to see what she was barking at.

there was nothing there.

she kept barking and barking at this one spot until i had to physically pull her away to get her to stop.

that was the first incident. since then, sometimes she'll just stop and stare at nothing, or she'll look up and it's almost like she's watching something glide slowly above her. but there's never anything there.

the second incident happened today. we're home alone, and i was in my bedroom with her. she started whining at the door so i just assumed she wanted to go downstairs. i let her out and she stopped at the top of the stairs, and her hackles went up. she started barking at something at the bottom of the stairs.

again, there was nothing there.

i tried to tell her it was fine but she refused to go down the stairs. i very cautiously went first, and showed her that there was nothing there. she came down after that, but it took her a minute because she kept stopping on the stairs. after we went downstairs, she seemed really alert for a minute or two. she walked out to the kitchen, then back to the stairs, and then she came and sat by my side like she was guarding me or something. she finally shook it off and went back to the kitchen to eat her food.

i think it was kinda creepy. she was barking at nothing. it's happened twice now. im kinda shaken up by the whole event, and i've been kind of on edge since this morning.

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