Chapter 2: Kendrick

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Autumn has always been lighter than any other season of the year, especially when it's September. Winter was the midterm season. In spring, there were tennis tournaments and summer, which was the worst among all, because there were galas and events I had to attend. And today, every single meeting I had to show up wearing a boring black suit this summer had ended.

"Finally!" I laid down on the couch without even taking my jacket off.

"Marina would kick you out of the house if she saw you laying down on the couch with your shoes on." Gideon gave his jacket to the doorman and took off his wristwatch with an attitude our father would take.

"Welcome," Aster, who was already reading in the living room said without even raising his head from his magazine. "How was the meeting?"

"Boring as fuck." I buried myself into the pillow.

"Keep that language respectful, Ken." Gideon scolded me. "It was about the assessment notice. Father and the president already settled on a few decisions, they would indite it by tomorrow morning." he took off his tie and walked upstairs with no other words.

"I see," Aster mouthed, yet I was doubting if Gideon even heard it.

I closed my eyes for a while, trying to amend my body from today. It was tiring to sit on uncomfortable chairs at a round table filled with employees of the White House who talk about nothing but politics. The silence between me and Aster kept going until I opened my eyes to his page-flipping sound.

"What are you reading?"

"I was surprised you didn't ask me by now." His lips curled upwards as he held the magazine up. It was In Touch's weekly edition. The cover had a picture of a celebrity couple. "I was reading about Jesse's new movie."

"The Marlon Brando one?"

Aster nodded with a smile, looking at the pictures of Jesse in the magazine. "He invited me to the premiere."

"Hey, Aster," I straightened on the couch. "Don't tell me you're attending,"

Aster didn't answer. He looked at me, then back at the magazine. His dark eyes had been conquered by instability. "Look, Ken, I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? Because this was exactly what you said last time..."

"No, seriously, I'm attending the premiere and I'm doing it because I want to celebrate Jesse, it's his first big project ever since he won an Oscar for The Untouchables. I don't give a shit about the paparazzi or the cameras."

I remembered Aster's last experience with public. Memory of it was blurry but what I knew was that he couldn't handle it well. Galas and premieres just weren't his thing. Once, he had snuck out of the house without telling anybody and had a panic attack due to the flashlights, which we fought about after. I never wanted to relive that night ever again.

I hesitated before I spoke. "You can celebrate him with a drink or two when you'll be in Vegas."

"Besides," Aster kept explaining. "They already think I ended my career as an actor, I would be no interesting content for the cameras. I will be going there."

I watched him for a while. He was frowning, certain of his decision. I sighed in defeat and stood up.

"You should take someone with you, in case of a panic attack."

"Am I getting orders from my little brother?" he smirked.

"Shut up," I threw a pillow at him. "You better not faint when you see a cameraman asking you your name."

I went upstairs, to my room and left Aster alone with his own company.

. . .

"Kendrick!" I felt a hand slap my nape. "Sleeping already? It's the first lecture come on!"

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