Part III-The tale of a new birth

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My dear friend,
There was a night I had the most beautiful dream of my life. In the bright daylight of glorious sun, I saw a bridge made of glass, and I saw you, we were wandering on this bridge. You ran ahead of me, you were telling me something about what we would do together in the future since we had finally found each other in this great big world. Your voice was so soft, I just wanted to listen to you, I didn't want to say anything to interrupt this beautiful melody of yours.

Even though the bridge was made of glass, I didn't even feel afraid at all, I wasn't afraid because of you. I just wanted to run along with you even on this fragile bridge, to spend time for our friendship while we still could treasure it. And maybe that was why the bridge didn't break, and somehow every step we took became more certain and stronger. Then I saw a big wave was about to collapse upon us and the bridge, but my dear friend, you looked so calm, you looked at me and smiled, your smile gave me belief. I believed we would make it through whatever because at last we were found among billions of people on this planet...

The wave didn't touch us, it became a beautiful stream and flew above us. You lightly touched it, and your image seemed to glow as your eyes looked so deep into the wave from the ocean. Then you turned to me and said: "Come with me, the others are waiting, we are late".
I saw you run and slide down the stream, I didn't even hesitate, I ran along with you and slid down to join the cool flow...

I woke up and realized it was time to go to school, I saw your message on my phone with the question "Did you finish homework?". I smiled and quickly grabbed the phone ready to see you again...


This the end which is the beginning of a hopeful new start, our girl is not lonely anymore, she found a friend, actually now she has more than one, they are all her lucky angels and a great start of her rebirth. Thank the universe for this gift of joy and fate...

And of course her journey to find love shall go on and on. Just like the heart always needs the soul, as long as there is hope, there will always be dream. Now she is looking for a new dream, sometimes a dream is forever just a dream; however, there are still chances it may come true...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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