Getting Settled

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After collecting the luggage everyone gathered outside the airport to discuss where you'd stay for the first couple weeks before you had enough cash to get your own place. Everyone generously offered their spare room for you so it was just a matter of who you felt would be the better person to live with. You felt it would be better you stayed with one of them that you felt you had gotten the closest with during the short period of time you knew them, unfortunately that scratched out Mikey as you and him hadn't exactly talked too much, that then left you with three options, Gerard, Frank and Ray.

After a while of considering you thought that living with Frank would cause you some serious stress issues so that left two. Gerard and Ray. Now Gerard was a really sweet guy, you could see yourself becoming a really close friend of his and having a great time if you were his roommate and whenever you thought about staying with Ray your heart skipped a beat, he was the guy you had always imagined whenever you'd come up with fake scenarios in your head about the ideal boyfriend, as weird as that sounds, so it was a pretty difficult choice on who you'd choose.

"Well it was a lovely offer from all of you but i think i'll go with-" you were suddenly cut off but a loud preppy girl running towards the group squealing in excitement, you took a step back in shock while the rest of the group minus Ray rolled their eyes.

"Hiya guys!!" she exclaimed trying to give them all hugs which resulted in a really awkward one way group hug. "where have you guys been this past month" before she finished her sentence she looked at you and her bright smile slightly faded into jealousy "and who's this..." she asked trying to keep up her excited facade.

"This is the new bassist for My Chemical Romance." Frank said with not much tone to his voice and a straight face, you weren't entirely sure why the boys were being so cold to this girl since maybe she was just super excited to see her friends again after so long like if you were to see Connor and Felix right now you'd probably be as excited as she is.

"i'm (Y/n)" you said with a smile and an extended hand which she took happily and shook, she seemed sweet so you took a liking to her quickly which the boys did not like.

"so nice to meet you girl! you sound tropical where are you from?!" ok so maybe she wasn't the brightest saying Scottish was a tropical accent but hey can't fault the girl for at least trying to be nice and act interested.

"listen Gabby we need to go. Call Gerard later or something we don't have time for this" Mikey said picking up luggage as so did the rest of the band, well apart from Gerard who proceeded to punch Mikey in the arm for lamping him with the girl now known as Gabby. Part of you actually felt bad for the girl so when she went to hug you goodbye, unlike the rest of the band, you hugged back.

"(Y/n)-" Gerard tried to explain their actions but you just frowned and shook your head.

"guys that was so mean. she seemed like such a nice girl and yet you all go and treat her like that?" maybe it was your emotions getting the better of you since it's officially been a couple days since you saw Connor but you could feel yourself get real upset for this girl you met five minutes ago.

"no (Y/n) listen she isn't as nice as she lets on" Ray defended, although Ray was the more polite one of the all of them you still felt a little mad, no amount of anger could stop you from choosing who you'd stay with however as sleeping in the streets of the New Jersey didn't sound too pleasant.

"well... anyway moving on from that... where i'll be staying" you decided acting as if nothing had happened would be the best course of action to take, at least until you had a place to stay that didn't relay on the people you were upset with.

"of course, have you thought about who you'd like to stay with?" Ray asked with a soft smile on his face, damn it even when you're mad at him he's got a way of getting back in your good books just by simply existing. You're face softened and you let out a sigh "yeah i have..." you paused for a moment giving yourself a chance to change your mind incase you had any hesitation, you did not. "i think i'd like to stay with you, Ray" Franks face dropped slightly at your words while Ray could barely contain his giddiness, you really wanted to stay with him? you wanted to stay at his place with HIM? "i'd love to have you!" he said almost instantly, causing your cheeks to go a slight shade of pink, Frank pouted slightly which caught only your attention "don't worry Frankie, i'll see you practically everyday, you'll survive not having me as your roommate" you giggled at your own comment along with the other guys, Rays heart fluttered hearing your melodic laugh, he'd only known you for such a short period of time but almost everything you did drove him crazy, and now he gets the pleasure of having you as a roommate until you were set up in your own place.

The guys helped you with your stuff to Rays apartment and said their goodbyes after Ray insisted he'd be able to help you get settled on his own, they all protested a bit but inevitably agreed and set off to their own homes. Being left alone with Ray makes your stomach do summersaults but you hid it well, especially as you could occupy your mind with unpacking and job searching, although you knew you'd get some income from being in the band you know to get a place of your own to stay would require some extra cash. Ray led you inside and to his spare room which looked surprisingly comfy, your eyes scanned the room taking in every minor detail until Rays warm voice pulled you from your thoughts
"so what do you think?" his voice had a hint of nervousness to it, you let out a sigh of content and flopped onto the single bed "i love it, i can already envision all my posters up on the wall to make it feel more like home" Ray chuckled slightly at your comment and sat next to you "im glad, do you need any help with unpacking?" you shook your head and smiled up at him "im all good, you should go unpack your own stuff anyway" he nodded in agreement and stood up, he gave you one last smile before shutting the door gently and walking away to his own room.
this is crazy, i really just up and left... you thought to yourself as you started unzipping your suitcase, although thinking about your life back in Scotland made you a little apprehensive about the whole thing you were sure you made a good decision coming here to chase your dream of becoming a musician, but was that dream worth leaving the home you loved? your friends? the comfort of knowing your surroundings? well if any of those factors were enough to make you regret this decision it was too late now, the best thing for you was to embrace this new adventure and who knows, maybe My Chemical Romance could make it big? only time will tell.

hiya folks 😀
well it's been a while since i've updated this funny little story and i apologise for that, i just sorta got writers block and decided "welp, not doing this anymore" but here we are, it's 11:46pm and i've decided i'll finish this chapter that keeps mocking me every time i open wattpad, i actually got into kpop in the time i was gone, although i still LOVE mcr i'm quite into ATEEZ and a few other groups which i think it could be fun to write some one shots of them, idk tho, i do this to sorta practice my writing skills as i'm doing higher english right now and i feel my writing abilities aren't up to par with what level i should be at right now so this is a fun little way to sorta work on that, anyway i'm so sorry for not updating for however many months it's been, i wish i had a proper excuse but i just got lazy and had no fresh ideas💀 right that's enough rambling, hopefully if i keep on writing more chapters you'll see an improvement in the language and overall quality of the story 🤞 adios 🫶

Look At You Now (Ray x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن