Chapter 3: The Truth

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"I have to go Saddie, I'll call you tomorrow." I said as I walked out of the library. After everything that happend, it's just safe to say, the unexpected comes unexpectedly. I know that's not how it goes but still.

I walked to the Parking lot where Luca said to wait.

"What's up shizzy?" The slut of sluts came by. Her lesbian (not true) friends snickered and high fives her.
I wasn't gonna deal with this today, or any day so I just walked away.

"Have you heard about the new guy? Looks like Cakey over hear has another boy that won't like her." She said proudly. Did she just seriously call me Cakey? Has she seen herself? But just as she was about to say another remark about the new guy and me, someone walked up and put their arm around my waist and I felt tingles, and instantly, I knew who it was.

"Lucas! What a surprise!" Queen B batted her eyelashes and tried to flirt.

"Oh by the way, she's part of the nerds so just leave her." She said as she waved off with a hand, I felt him about to go to her but then he said, "Why would you treat such a smart and beautiful girl in such a harsh way?" He asked gazing at me smiling. He still remembers.

Flashback :
"You looks really pretty Cece." I huffed. "Luca you know I don't like being called Pretty." I glared at him. "But Cece..." He pouted, oh his pout is irresistible. "You DO look pretty." he said making the word pretty long. "I like being called smart." "Why?" He asked confused. Ugh boys. I sighed, "Because when you say pretty, it's just my looks, am I all looks only? When you say smart, it makes me feel confident and like I can do anything, and it brings to show that you care about my brains rather than looks." I said proud. I was 9 so I guess I was proud that I knew all that. He signed. "Cupcake your not even that pretty anymore." he said and I felt my face and heart drop down. But then he continued, "You're Beaufitful." he said holding my hands and looking into my eyes. "And especially smart." I smiled. Then kissed him on the cheek. I gasp at what I did, and he smiled. He hugged me and we laughed.

End Of FlashBack

Ah, Good memories.

"What the hell?!" Was all Zoey said, and left with her slutty possy.

I giggled at her and turned to look at Luca staring at me in admiration.
I blushed and he smiled.

Maybe high school isn't gonna be so bad after all.


"So cupcake what happen over the years?" Luca asked. "You really want to know?" I asked my mouth dry, I never really talked about my family other that to Saddie. She was like a sister to me.

"Yes cupcake." he said with his heart stopping smile again. I sighed. "Fine, lets play the question game."

His eyes light up, probably from the game we played as kids when we were younger because sometimes we'd both be so utterly confused about the others life. Ah, we were weird kids.

"Okay you first." I said as I sighed.

"Okay," he sighed, "W-w-" he stopped talking, his eyes read that he couldn't decide on something, it made me impatient.

"Spill!" I said half jokingly.

Finally he just sighed again and snapped back to me. Clearly just deciding to just say it.

"How's your family doing?"

That made my heart beat go faster, the bad way, and I started to let my smile fade...

Then I snapped back, here is my childhood friend, that I so trusted, I should tell him, if I coop it up it'll just make me more depressed.

"Who first?" I said as I exhaled.

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