Chapter 6 - Bisexual crisis

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Saturday 20th December 1986

Steve kissed Eddie, and due to his luck his parents decided to come home.
He was fucking screwed, the last thing he saw before being dragged into his home was Eddie looking at him with worry

10 hours earlier

Steve was hanging up tinsel and decorating his rather large Christmas tree when the landline rang, he lept down the stairs a picking it ups he'd expect it right be Robin or one of the kids or even Eddie but surprisingly it was none of them.
"Hello, Harrington residents, this is Steve who is this?" he muttered into the phone
"Ah Steven, your parents left me a note saying they aren't sure as to when they will be back, but it should be soon!" It was his dads secretary Judith that was different, she hadn't called in ages not since November, maybe it was a little before that?.He sighed, putting down the phone, what did he expect though? His "parents" were barley even home anyway, and the last time they were at the house his dad decide to fucking brake his wrist, which is still healing the cast is supposed to come off just after Christmas, he's unsure as to why they'd even bother to visit this time, but that's not his problem as long as he keeps the house clean and doesn't do anything stupid, but seeing as it's Steve something bad is bound to happen.

He'd been going Christmas shopping constantly this week, and this time it was just him he wanted to grab something for Eddie seeing as they were back to being friends. Steve just wished they could be more, although he was scared that they'd stop speaking again.

He decided to go to a ring shop and buy Eddie a ring, seeing as he wore so many, he was just unsure on what he'd like, what if he hated the present?

He slowly looked around until a, rather expensive, black ring shone out to him, it didn't look all that special but he knew it was something Eddie would like, so he took it straight to the till.

"I'd like to buy this ring" he smiled at the woman on the register
"That'll be £700" she looked at him bored as he handed over the money, he didn't care how much he spent as long as he could make the others happy he'd be happy too.

Eddie had come up to him at his shift in the video store.
"He do you think we could go to that carnival later Harrington?" He asked, leaning in the counter smirking
"You asking me on a date Munson?" He asked looking him in the eyes
"If you want it to be one then sure" he winked at him, causing a small blush to arise on his cheeks
"Sure, pick me up at 8p, sharp" he muttered, going back to stocking up shelves

He was leaning against the counter, wonder what might happen between him and Eddie at the carnival.
"Earth to Steve" robin was waving her hand in his face trying to get his attention "finally you've been looking off into nothing for like 10 minutes, what are you thinking about huh?" She teased, chuckling at him.
"Eddie invited me to the carnival..just me and him" he could feel his face turn red as he told this information to robin, she gasped
"Oh my gosh you have to let me help you get ready!" She pulled his arm, taking him towards the door
"Come on we are going straight to yours!"

Robin helped Steve get ready, she picked out his best outfit and reassured him that he looked perfectly fine, when the doorbell went.
Steve, almost running, answered the door, and there stood the handsome Eddie Munson
"You got dressed up for me Harrington?" He asked, leaning on the doorframe
"Shut up, let's go" he muttered, crossing his arms and walking out the door, waving goodbye to robin.

Steve and Eddie soon made it to the carnival, they made their way towards the game stalls,
"I wanna try out the basketball one I'll win you something" he gripped Eddie's Hand pulling him towards the game.
Of course he got all of the shots
"What would you like?" He asked, pointing at all the prizes for Eddie to choose from.
"I want this one" he smirked, picking up the bat teddy, "reminds me of you"
Steve smiled at this
"Do you think we could go onto the ferris wheel?" He asked, still holding Eddie's hand in his own
"Sure" he was then pulled towards the Ferris wheel, where they queued and got on.

"The view is nice up here" him and Eddie were sat quite close to each other, their legs touching.
"Yeah it is" he could feel Eddie's hand place itself onto his thigh, he could feel his cheeks burn up at the sudden contact
"I should uh probably head home after this" he stammered out, the blush on his face even darker.
Eddie simply nodded, as they sat there in calm silence

The drive to Steve's house was yet again filled with silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was quite nice actually
"Can i uh walk you to your door?" Eddie asked, as his car parked in Steve's drive way, he nodded, and the two boys climbed out of the car, eddie held his hand as he guided him up the path, they stopped for a moment at his door, he wanted to kiss him so badly.

He leant closer, their faces almost touching, and cupped Eddie's face, he blushed confused as to what steve was doing, and soon their lips touched, it was a long and soft kiss that was abruptly interrupted by his door swinging open
"What in gods name are you doing Steven!?"


He was utterly screwed, there stood his dad clearly pissed off at what he'd just walked out on
"Steven you get your ass into my house right this instant, and you boy go home" he yelled, stalking closer to the boys and gripping Steve's, healing bud still badly injured, wrist. This caused him to bite down on his lip to hold back the cry of pain that was trying to escape his lips.

It didn't take long for him to be dragged into the house.
"I will not tolerate having a f@g in this house" he yelled, throwing Steve to the ground, "and I definitely don't want you dating that boy, he is a Satan worshiper" thus comment about Eddie riled his up, he!d never let anyone speak badly about him so why should he let his "father".
"Shut the fuck up, I can date whoever I want you asshole" he was standing up now. He could see the anger on his fathers face, although he expected it, the punch that his father threw at him surprised him, he hit him right in the face, that would surly give him a black eye and his nose started to gush with blood, the hard impact caused him to topple over, and he leaned on the ground
"If you don't fix yourself soon there will be a much worse punishment young man" he muttered, stomping off for his bedroom, he left Steve there on the ground blood pouring from his nose, and his body shaking.
What the hell was he supposed to do now

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