Not even here

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Location: D e r r y    E l e m e n t a r y
Period: 2nd p e r i o d
Pov: H E N R Y    B O W E R S
I walk in five minutes late. "Ah, Mr. Bowers. How wonderful to join us today. Decided not to be a f@g around Hockstetter and actually join us today?" Mr. Johnson said with a disgusted face. "Not by fucking choice, asshole." I say before suddenly jerking my head forwards. Oh, shit... I knew dads extra beating this morning would make me feel bad in school! "The fuck? Oh look, the f@gs dying! Hahahaha!!!" Suddenly the whole class erupts of laughter. I feel the bile coming up. I run as fast as I can to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.  I walk to the sink and start washing my face clean of the vomit and blood. Out of nowhere a dizzy spell hits me and I fall, hit my head on the sink(breaking a bit of it and impailing the skull), and pass out. I hear Patrick run up to me. "Henry?! Holy shit..." Patrick mumbles. I hear another person gasp. "The hell?" Eddie. "Eddie! I know your like not real but Henry is! Please... help Henry!" Patrick said almost begging. "We are working together to get revenge on Greta so..." I let out a pained groan. I can hear everything but I can't move. I feel paralyzed. "Fine. I'll help." Eddie says before walking over. "Grab Henry's legs. I'll pick up Henry's head(the back of his head) for support. We have to sit him next to the paper towels. Also, we have to make sure nobody knows this is happening. You know... they could kill him!" Eddie says before walking over and crouching besides my shoulder. Patrick nods and grabs my legs. Eddie carefully puts his hands under my head. "Lift in three... two... NOW!" At the same time they lift me up. I let out another pained groan. My fuckin' head... They carefully sit me up next to the paper towels. "Patrick I thought you liked people being hurt?" Eddie suddenly says. "Not when the hurt one is MINE." Patrick says darkly. Eddie nods.

Eddie's POV
I think for a minute. "Wet some paper towels and apply it to the wound. I'll be back in about an hour. I'll lock the door and make sure it looks like the bathroom is closed." I say. "Ight, got it." Patrick says. I go outside and shut the door. I run towards the janitors closet. Once I find it I turn the handle but the doors locked. I look around before taking out a hairpin. Its Beverly's, I found it on the ground and just haven't brought it back to her yet. I put it in the doorknob and unlock it that way. I quickly open the door and run into the small closet. It's dark and I don't see a light. I fumble around until I find a flashlight. I turn it on and look for keys. I find a huge thing of keys. I find one labeled "Room 239". That's the number of the boys bathroom. I unattach it from the others and put it in my pocket with my wallet. I run out, shut the door, head back to the bathroom, lock the bathroom door, went into an old room that's never used, and opens the window. I climb out, go over to my bike, and bike down to the pharmacy. I walk in and look around. I find some wraps that could work to stop the bleeding and some sanitary supplies. That should work. I feel around my pocket and feel a  bill. Taking it out there's a 20 dollar bill. Perfect! I'd use mom's account but if she saw I bought this shit she'd have a heart attack. I pay for them and head back to the school. I lock my bike back up and head back over to the window. I left it unlocked. Thank God. I walk over to the window and crawl through it. I quickly run back over to the bathroom and unlock it. I slide the key into my pocket and walk back in. Patrick looks up at me. "Eddie. He stopped breathing..."

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